Evolution of Medicine Podcast

This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we are excited to welcome Qigong master Mingtong Gu, recorded live from his center in New Mexico with Evolution of Medicine co-founder Gabe Hoffman. Gabe has been studying Wisdom Healing Qigong with Mingtong since finding his high-quality content on YouTube two years ago. Since then Gabe learned of the extremely successful Medicineless Qigong Hospital in China, where Wisdom Healing Qigong is the only tool used. Gabe recently returned from a month-long retreat, led by Mingtong, where people with all types of chronic disease used the same protocols as the hospital in China with great success.

To find out more about opportunities to integrate Qigong into your practice, click here goevomed.com/qigong

In this episode, you will hear:

1. How Gabe found Mingtong and why this is important for your practice.

2. What medicine we can learn from the Medicineless Qigong Hospital in China.

3. What opportunities are coming up where you can connect with Mingtong and integrate Qi Gong into your medical practice.

Direct download: -Podcast_from_EvoMed_--_Master_Gu_Gabe_and_James.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST