Evolution of Medicine Podcast

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! On this episode, we talk with Dr. Alejandro Junger, a cardiologist by trade and a celebrated and well-known practitioner in the functional medicine space. He is the bestselling author of Clean and Clean 7, and the founder of Clean, a 21-day detoxification experience. Dr. Junger is an expert on detoxification, and one of the first practitioners to advocate for its benefits and widespread use—a detox OG, if you will. He shares his health journey and a powerful testimony to functional medicine. It was a really engaging conversation, and I think you’ll enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • How Dr. Junger combines detoxification and intermittent fasting in his new book, Clean 7, to help more people reap the benefits of healthy detoxification
  • Dr. Junger’s own health journey and path to functional medicine and detoxification
  • Why community is the best approach to successful detoxification
  • Why Dr. Junger believes in the power of groups
  • His tips and tricks for running successful group visits
  • The role of toxicity in chronic disease, and how it is more damaging than most people realize
  • How to stop the naysaying and alleviate the tension between the old way of thinking about detoxification and the new way
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Direct download: 11-27-2019_Alejandro_Junger.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:46am CST

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, part of our Group Visit Series, we sit down with Dr. Elizabeth Markle to talk about her revolutionary practice, Open Source Wellness. It's an incredible story of their journey to organize and synthesize a consistent group visit model. In this episode, you're going to hear about their thoughts about why behavior change was difficult, how to democratize it and make it available for prescription. Dr. Markle also talked about the sequence of behavior changes that happen through patients’ 16-week visit at Open Source Wellness. You’ll also hear a lot about how to facilitate behavior change in a group. It was a really interesting conversation, and I think you'll really enjoy it, especially if you’ve been thinking about starting group visits. Highlights include:

  • The origin story of Open Source Wellness and Dr. Markle’s and her c-founder’s vision for the future
  • Why patients need democratization and experiences to build healthy lifestyle behaviors and overcome health issues
  • Human behaviors that predispose us to crave community, especially when creating healthy habits
  • Markle’s secret sauce for developing a thriving community in your practice
  • How group visits reward the patient with improved health and community, and practitioners with a deep sense of purpose in their healthcare practice
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:


Direct download: 11-20-19_Elizabeth_Markle.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:24am CST

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This week, we sit down with Dr. Elroy Vojdani, a preeminent functional medicine physician, researcher, and educator. Dr. Vojdani and his father, Dr. Aristo Vojdani, widely recognized as the godfather of functional immunology, have partnered to research intestinal permeability and the gut-brain axis. These are two key areas in understanding and resolving autoimmune conditions, which affect millions of patients. Dr. Vojdani shared some of his clinical findings, the strategies and products he uses in clinical care, and why his new practice will feature a meeting space dedicated to group visits. It was a fascinating 30 minutes and if you’re interested in the future of autoimmune disease reversal (and based on that growing number of patients, we all should be), I think you’ll really enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • The autoimmunity research Dr. Vojdani and his father are tackling and their latest findings
  • The three subtypes of leaky gut and how to treat them
  • Why antibody testing is the gold standard for understanding leaky gut
  • The best tools for reversing leaky gut
  • The strategies and products Dr. Vojdani uses in clinical care to address autoimmune conditions
  • Vojdani’s thoughts of precision public health and the future of healthcare
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:






Direct download: 11-13-2019_Elroy_Vojdani.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:23am CST