Evolution of Medicine Podcast

Josh Gunn, PhD is the Chief Scientific Officer for Ethos Laboratories. Ethos began with the mission to incorporate more functional medicine principles into conventional care and to help patients gain access to the root causes of their pain. 

With a background in forensic toxicology, Dr. Gunn and the team have developed a new tool at Ethos called the Foundation Pain Index. The Pain Index is a biometric test designed to identify potential biochemical origins of patients’ chronic pain. The test results categorize health insights in a way that is actionable for all physicians, even if they are not trained in functional medicine. This personalized method also acknowledges that patient recovery often requires a multimodal approach, including lifestyle and community considerations.

Practitioners who run OAT tests or other labs may already have access to some of these data points, but uniquely, the Foundation Pain Index test is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance plans. This is especially important for chronic pain patients with a lower socioeconomic status because statistically they have been over-prescribed opioids.

The full conversation is densely packed with insights such as:

  • Socioeconomic factors are strong factors in opioid over prescription, misuse and abuse  
  • Why it is essential to bring elements of functional medicine into conventional care
  • How nutrient depletion may contribute to pain
  • An interdisciplinary approach is required to help patients with chronic pain
  • And much more
Direct download: 20220706_Podcast_AUDIO.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:42am CDT

James interviews Michelle Simon, PhD, ND, president and CEO of the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM). Dr. Simon sees an increasing awareness that our current healthcare system is not delivering the results we need. She advocates for alternate solutions through her work with INM.

Some have argued that iatrogenic disease is the third-largest cause of death in America. Applying the Therapeutic Order, which is a guiding principle for naturopathic medicine, can reverse that trend. Naturopathic medicine combined with the group visit model has the potential to address most of the population’s health issues. It is an excellent option to improve healthcare on a large scale. 

Listen to the full conversation to learn about:

  • The Therapeutic Order: what it is and why its important
  • The reasons we need to change how we view primary care
  • A new residency program for naturopathic doctors
  • Projects that the Institute for Natural Medicine is working on
  • How lifestyle and naturopathic medicine prevent iatrogenic disease

This week’s podcast is a series of interviews with a handful of physicians who are involved with the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM). Dr. Luby is the Director of Medical Education Initiatives at IFM, which works to scale functional medicine and make it more accessible and easier to adopt into larger healthcare systems. The pandemic brought to light weaknesses in our healthcare system for which functional medicine offers solutions!

Dr. Penn is an infectious disease specialist and works in epidemiology and infection prevention at Nebraska Methodist Hospital. He has worked closely with Dr. Luby, and Dr. Penn is planning to implement more of the IFM’s principles into his healthcare system. Dr. Nancy Cutter and Sharon Williams are from the Veterans Affairs (VA) in New Jersey. They are also working towards integrating lifestyle medicine into their systems in part by utilizing group visits.

Listen to the full panel discussion to learn more about:

  • The benefits offered by functional medicine for the VA in New Jersey
  • The problems in our healthcare system, which functional medicine can help
  • How Nebraska Methodist Hospital has seen the IFM’s principles improve their COVID outcomes
  • And much, much more!