Evolution of Medicine Podcast

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, James sits down with team members from Functional Medicine of Idaho, a private practice owned by a husband-and-wife team. After starting their first practice in Boise, they joined the Practice Accelerator program and scaled their business to open a second location. They’re now building their third location as they continue to bring functional medicine is an effective, clear way to their patients. Hearing their journey, from where it started to their vision for the future to how they use group visits to help scale their business, is truly inspiring. But not only that, it provides a road map for any practitioner who is ready to take their practice to the next level. It was a fascinating, fun interview, and I think anyone who is passionate about moving functional medicine forward will enjoy it immensely. Highlights include:

  • One practice’s journey from one location to two thriving locations and counting
  • How to scale functional medicine so that it is both effective and profitable
  • How to create boundaries for specific roles within a practice
  • How functional medicine is thriving across the globe and even in rural locations, not just in major cities
  • How the Practice Accelerator program helps practitioners scale their care and help more patients, without burnout or high overhead costs
  • Where you can learn more about the Practice Accelerator program and when open enrollment begins
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:


Direct download: 01-29-2020_Amber_Warren.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:37am CST

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, James sits down with Dr. Asfia Aftab, a GP partner in the National Health Service in the UK and founder of the Birmingham Functional Forum meetup group. She is also one of the heroes of James’s book, The Community Cure. Dr. Aftab is a dynamic person, with an energy and passion for her work that is inspiring. Her commitment to her practice and to her patients is leading the charge toward a new era of the NHS. There is so much to learn from her in this episode, and we think you’ll really enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • What inspired Dr. Aftab to pursue medicine and join the NHS
  • How Dr. Aftab is creating change in the NHS
  • Why the term “social prescribing” is trending in the NHS right now, and what it means for all functional medicine practitioners
  • How Dr. Aftab uses online tools to create offline connections with her patients and colleagues
  • How she implements group visits in her practice, and how she continues to grow and develop these groups with her patients
  • How Dr. Aftab has built a community around the Functional Forum meetup group she founded—and how this can be a model for all meetup groups to follow
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

January 2020 Functional Forum
Prescribing Functional Medicine
Group Visit Series on EvoMed Podcast

Direct download: 01-22-2020_Dr_Aftab.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:12pm CST

Bioavailability vs. Microbiome Availability

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! On this episode, James sits down with Dr. Tom Guilliams, who had our most-downloaded podcast of the year in 2019. Dr. Guilliams talks about a topic most clinicians have strong opinions on: bioavailability. With a background in molecular immunology and extensive research on nutrition and dietary supplement efficacy, Dr. Guilliams brings a unique and refreshing perspective to functional medicine clinicians of any discipline who are trying to get the best results with their patients. Highlights include:

  • Bioavailability and the new science on what that looks like in the era of the microbiome
  • How traditional herbal preparations can maximize microbiome availability
  • How attempting to replicate the pharmaceutical model for dietary supplements has brought us to opposite conclusions simultaneously, and how this will be a refreshing conversation for the new decade
  • How researchers are devising new ways of thinking about how evidence works in the evaluation of non-drug therapies
  • The questions practitioners who want to maximize dietary supplement effectiveness should be asking
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:




Tickets for PLMI Conference in Chicago

Direct download: 01-08-2020_Dr._Guilliams.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:50am CST