Tue, 30 June 2015
In May 2014, one of our favorite physicians Dr. Jeffrey Gladd came onto the Functional Forum to share his thoughts on what we were then calling "Integrative Medicine 2.0". Dr. Gladd has built a successful practice in rural Indiana. How could doctors use technology to deliver better integrative medicine? One weekend before that talk, Dr. Gladd had a 'moment of clarity' and his talk on the Functional Forum started with Integrative Medicine 2.0, but ended with his vision for H.O.M.E. (Heirloom Organic Micropractices focused on Empowerment) You can see the video of his talk below. During the talk, Dr. Gladd asked what medicine would look like if there was an integrative micropractice for every farmers market in America? That question sat very deeply with us at the Forum and lead to our vision for changing healthcare. 100,000 integrative medical practices focused on root cause resolution and community health. Since we shared that vision, many other doctors have got in touch to share their innovative micropractice model, leading to this podcast series. In this first episode we hear from Dr. Gladd from his talk from the 2014 Evolution of Medicine Summit, that was recorded that same weekend. In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: The_Micropractice_Evolution_-_Part_1_with_Jeff_Gladd.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:34pm CST |
Wed, 24 June 2015
Dr. Kim D'Eramo is one of the most passionate doctors we have come across at the Evolution of Medicine. She is on a mission to change medicine by giving all doctors access to tools to combat the modern epidemics of chronic disease. One of the major driving forces of all chronic diseases is chronic stress, and in her book, the MindBody Tool Kit she teaches patients and physicians ten of the most effective techniques for engaging the power of mind body medicine. Enjoy the podcast, and pleas let us know your thoughts and feedback! Click the link below to visit her website!
Direct download: Mind-Body_ToolKit_with_Kim_DEramo.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:40pm CST |
Wed, 17 June 2015
In this podcast we hear the remarkable story of Thumper Thornton, a patient turned practitioner whose life is a perfect example of the ripple effects of Functional Medicine and recovery. Most practitioners of integrative or Functional medicine have a unique story to tell that sent them down this path, sometimes it is personal, sometime it is a family member, but Thumper's story transcends those in a really fascinating way. Do you resonate with the message? What you will learn
Click the link below to visit his website!
Direct download: Painful_Story_Turned_180_Degrees_with_Thumper_Thornton.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:02am CST |
Wed, 10 June 2015
After our last trip to Texas in October, we recorded a recap of everything that had happened in September, including the Evolution of Medicine Summit, and various other big events. May 2015 was another massive month, with another trip to Texas and a lot more exciting things to share! What you will learn from this podcast include
Direct download: Post_IFM_Recap_-_Inflection_Point.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:05am CST |
Wed, 3 June 2015
Dr. Richard Palmquist is on the top holistic veterinarians in the country, not only building a significant t practice in Los Angeles, CA but also leading areas of research and academia. We recorded this podcast back in April in LA, and he gave me a book called 'Zoobiquity' by Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz. This book is incredible, showing the massive value of collaboration between doctors and vets. In this podcast we look at this exact topic, looking at the value that can be added to doctors, vet and most importantly their patients by learning from each other. This is exactly the reason why we have initiated the Functional Forum meetups (link to functionalforum.com/meetup) to create the space and community where practitioners can learn from each other. What you will learn from the podcast
To find out more about his book, please follow this link!
Direct download: Zoobiquity_-_What_can_we_learn_from_vets_with_Richard_Palmquist.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:11am CST |