Thu, 28 June 2018
This week’s podcast features: Daniel Schmachtenburger, co-founder and director of research and development at Neurohacker Collective, in Complexity Medicine: The Basis for a Functional Standard of Care. Daniel is a deep thinker and researcher on how human regulatory systems function, how they break down and how they can be supported to function with greater resilience. In this thought-provoking half-hour, we take a deep dive into the future of personalized medicine, longevity and health, including:
This was a fantastically dense half-hour of clinical insights, theory and grab your notebooks (hang onto your hats), listen and subscribe to the podcast today.
Direct download: Complexity20Medicine20-20The20Basis20for20a20Functional20Standard20of20Care.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:40am CST |
Thu, 21 June 2018
This Evolution of Medicine Podcast, Coaching and Functional Medicine: A Match Made in Value-Based-Care-Heaven, features KNEW Health’s Director of Coaches and the founder of The School of Applied Functional Medicine, Tracy Harrison, MS. Tracy first appeared on the Functional Forum with her “Future of Functional in Five: Health Coach Keys to the Future” in December 2016 (watch it here). In this interview, Tracy talks about the value she’s seen in KNEW Health’s experiment of creating a new practitioner: the physician-supervised functional-medicine trained health coach. Tune in for all details, plus some invaluable tips for doctors and health coaches, including:
If value in medicine is outcomes divided by cost, then the functional medicine-trained health coach could become the most valuable provider in medicine. Want to learn more about how health coaches could help streamline your practice? Click here to listen and subscribe to the Podcast today.
Resources mentioned in this podcast: The School of Applied Functional Medicine
Direct download: Coaching20and20Functional20Medicine20-20A20Match20Made20in20Value-Based-Care-Heaven.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:55pm CST |
Fri, 15 June 2018
This Evolution of Medicine Podcast, The Archetype Diet: Where Do Women Source Their Self-Worth? features long-time Functional Forum supporter, food coach and author of the newly released Archetype Diet, Dana James, MS, CDN, CNS. Dana appeared on the very first Functional Forum in a comedy sketch with our co-founder, James Maskell, called: Think Pink. Her groundbreaking new book is all about how women’s source of self-worth leads to the formation of their health and lifestyle behaviors. Tune in for a fascinating listen on how self-worth creates or diminishes women’s health, including:
If you’re a woman, or a practitioner who sees women in your practice, be sure to listen, and subscribe to the podcast today. Resources mentioned in this podcast: The Archetype Diet Reclaim Your Self-Worth and Change the Shape of Your Body by Dana James, MS, CDN, CNS
Direct download: The20Archetype20Diet20-20Where20Do20Women20Source20Their20Self-Worth3F.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 1:08pm CST |
Fri, 8 June 2018
This Evolution of Medicine Podcast, Community in Action: The Evolution of Meetups, features Dr. Cynthia Thaik—the record-holder for the largest Functional Forum Meetup in Glendale, California. Tune in today to learn Dr. Thaik’s template for growing her Meetup from zero to over 180 people in no time, including:
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
Direct download: Community20In20Action20-20The20Evolution20of20Meetups.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 1:09pm CST |