Thu, 28 December 2017
Direct download: StoryTime_A_Gathering_of_the_Tribe_by_Charles_Eisenstein_rea.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 21 December 2017
This week’s historic podcast: “Individualized Diets, ALCAT, and BMJ Gastroenterology” features the results of a brand-new study published in the British Medical Journal, validating food sensitivity testing (the ALCAT Test®) for IBS patients. The study named, “Efficacy of Individualized Diets in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Randomized Control Trial” was led by the late Dr. Ather Ali, ND a colleague of our co-founder, James Maskell, who sadly passed away this October. It is our great pleasure to honor Dr. Ali’s legacy by helping spread the word about his incredible research. In this podcast, James interviews another of the study’s lead researchers: Dr. Wajahat Mehal, professor of medicine at Yale University, for the inside scoop on this ground-breaking study. Tune in today to get all the details direct from the source, including:
Direct download: Individualized20Diets2C20ALCAT20and20BMJ20Gastroentorology.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 14 December 2017
This week’s podcast continues our “Success Leaves Clues” series with “Alaska Goes Functional” and features Jill Valerius, MD of Now Health Functional and Integrative Medicine, from Palmer, Alaska, and member of our Practice Accelerator program. Dr. Valerius was one of the first medical doctors to be certified in functional medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine, and has created a successful practice in a small Alaskan town utilizing what she’s learned in the Practice Accelerator. Tune in today and discover
Resources mentioned in this podcast: Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerater
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20Alaska20Goes20Functional.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 7 December 2017
This week’s podcast continues our “Success Leaves Clues” series on “From Motherhood to Micropractice” and features Dr. Michelle Sands aka “The Metabolic Mama”, a Naturopath and functional medicine practitioner from Vermont and member of our Practice Accelerator program. Dr. Sand’s story is an inspirational one for women and men who struggle with balancing running a practice and being an active parent. She achieved this seemingly insurmountable goal, by implementing what she learned in the Practice Accelerator to set up a virtual dream practice targeting mothers. If you’ve ever wondered how to have it all—practice, purpose and active parenthood—tune in right now and hear:
Resources mentioned in this podcast: Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerater
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20From20Motherhood20to20Micropractice.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 1 December 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we are excited to welcome Qigong master Mingtong Gu, recorded live from his center in New Mexico with Evolution of Medicine co-founder Gabe Hoffman. Gabe has been studying Wisdom Healing Qigong with Mingtong since finding his high-quality content on YouTube two years ago. Since then Gabe learned of the extremely successful Medicineless Qigong Hospital in China, where Wisdom Healing Qigong is the only tool used. Gabe recently returned from a month-long retreat, led by Mingtong, where people with all types of chronic disease used the same protocols as the hospital in China with great success. To find out more about opportunities to integrate Qigong into your practice, click here In this episode, you will hear: 1. How Gabe found Mingtong and why this is important for your practice. 2. What medicine we can learn from the Medicineless Qigong Hospital in China. 3. What opportunities are coming up where you can connect with Mingtong and integrate Qi Gong into your medical practice.
Direct download: -Podcast_from_EvoMed_--_Master_Gu_Gabe_and_James.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 30 November 2017
This week’s podcast continues our “Success Leaves Clues” series on “The Power of Video” and features Dr. Jerry Bailey, a chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner from Coeur D'Alene, Idaho and member of our Practice Accelerator program. Dr. Bailey’s story starts out like many others; he had to find a way to set his practice apart in a small town already saturated with chiropractors. What makes his story exceptional (and reproducible in any town) is how he made his practice stand out and excel using the power of video and social media. Listen right now and learn the specifics of how Dr. Bailey made video work for him like gangbusters, including:
Resources mentioned in this podcast: Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerater
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20The20Power20of20Video.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 23 November 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast continues our “Success Leaves Clues” series, “From Matrix to Action” and welcome former Functional Forum guest Dr. Lara Salyer of Health Innate. Dr. Salyer, DO was featured on the Functional Forum this year, is an enthusiastic member of our Practice Accelerator program, and runs a functional medicine practice in rural Wisconsin. In this podcast, Dr. Salyer shares one of the most impressive innovations we’ve ever heard in functional medicine: how to take the most time-consuming, cumbersome part of functional medicine: filling out the matrix/intake; and turn it into a fast, efficient and participatory exercise using group visits. Dr. Salyer’s idea of cross-pollination between the initial appointment and group visits is an absolute game-changing strategy for functional medicine practitioners…and she’s proven it works. Plus you’ll learn:
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20From20Matrix20to20Action.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 16 November 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we continue our “Success Leaves Clues” series. Each week we will be interviewing doctors who are building the practices of the future and learning from their strategies that can make it easier for you to build your practice no matter where you are in the world. We welcome Dr. Sonza Curtis as part of our Success Leaves Clues. Dr. Curtis graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, with a Masters of Science in Physician Assistant Studies. She then went on to complete her Doctorate of Naturopathy for Health Care Professionals. In 2014, Dr. Curtis became one of only three Georgia doctors Certified in Functional Medicine. In this podcast, you're going to hear about her journey from being a physicians assistant through naturopathic medicine and finally to functional medicine, and what's so exciting about this podcast is there's tons of value for anyone who's looking to take the first step on the journey towards building successful practice. So much great stuff here in how to build a low overhead practice, some of the technology that she's learned how to use through the Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerator, how to keep a low overhead practice, how to build a connection with local integrative providers that now pay her rent, and just so many other ways in which Sonza has built such an amazing practice. I think there's value in here, no matter what kind of practitioner you are, and I really hope you'll enjoy it. This is part of our Success Leaves Clues podcast series, enjoy.
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20From20Employee20to20Business20Owner.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 1:40pm CST |
Thu, 9 November 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we continue our “Success Leaves Clues” series. Each week we will be interviewing doctors who are building the practices of the future and learning from them strategies that can make it easier for you to build your practice no matter where you are in the world. We’ve really enjoyed the process of interviewing some of the doctors from our Practice Accelerator, and this week we introduce Dr. Rick Henriksen of Kestrel Wellness. Dr. Rick Henriksen, M.D., M.P.P. is a Salt Lake City-based, board-certified, family physician. Having returned to the U.S. from a stint in Ecuador, he was determined to do the next iteration of his practice right. Listen in as he shares his model, his progress and key learnings from the journey. In this podcast, you will hear: 1. What to know about naming your practice and some of the thoughts he went through in creating his brand. 2. How you can avoid making the same mistakes as other practitioners. 3. What technology he uses. One thing that is unique about Dr. Henriksen’s practice is the combination of technology and home visits. We really appreciate you being part of the Evolution of Medicine community. Enjoy!
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20From20Ecuador20to20DPC.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 2:57pm CST |
Thu, 2 November 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine, we continue our popular “Success Leaves Clues” series. We feature Dr. Bill Hemmer, a chiropractor from central Illinois who is bringing functional medicine to his small hometown with a population of only 4500. It was an incredible half an hour for any health professional who is in the business of trying to transform the health of their community. Dr. Hemmer has been part of our Practice Accelerator community for the last year, and has built an incredible practice focusing on helping his community recover their health, especially using language and memes that appeal to his specific demographic. On this podcast you will here:
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20A201220Step20Recovery20of20Function.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm CST |
Thu, 19 October 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast we are sharing a special interview that was part of the "11 days of Global Unity" whch featured luminaires like Dr. Deepak Chopra, Ralph Nader and many more. This interview was originally conducted by Rick Ulfik from We, The World. He interviews Dr. Rangan Chatterjee and James Maskell about the work they are doing, the future of medicine, the current state of functional medicine, and how we see medicine shifting in the rest of this century. It was a great session, and at the time we received so much feedback that people enjoyed it. The interview has not been available since the Summit ended, so we wanted to share it in this podcast. Dr. Chatterjee is the host of the UK International Functional Forum hosted the Royal Society of Medicine. He is also the star of BBC One's "Doctor in the House" and was recently named the eighth most influential general practitioner in the UK. James is the founder of the Evolution of Medicine and the creator of the Functional Forum. In this episode, you will learn:
Direct download: 11DaysOfGlobalUnitySummit2017-0915-RanganChatterjee-JamesMaskell-Audio3.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 12 October 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we are thrilled to welcome back one of the speakers from the first Evolution of Medicine Summit. She is the publisher of What Doctors Don’t Tell You in the UK. She has been a writer, journalist, and activist for a few decades. Lynne McTaggart is the author of The Intention Experiment and The Field. Her latest book, The Power of Eight, looks at the power of small groups to heal. In Functional Medicine, we’ve seen the power of small groups with things like group visits and the work with the Saddleback Church. This book takes the idea even further, explaining how groups of people can support each other’s healing and transformation. What you will learn in this podcast:
Direct download: The20Power20of20820-20How20Small20Groups20Can20Change20the20World.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:47am CST |
Thu, 5 October 2017
This week on the podcast, the Evolution of Medicine is thrilled to welcome Mark Shapiro. Mark is host of The One and Only Podcast and the creator of Winning Weeks, an accountability program for high performing entrepreneurs. Earlier this year, our co-founder James Maskell took Mark’s Winning Weeks program and learned a lot about what it takes to create accountability for himself and for his business. He will be sharing some of those wins on the podcast this week. On this podcast you will learn:
Mark’s TEDx talk on social media also came out this week, and you can view it below.
Direct download: The20Accountability20Gap20-20Practitioners20and20Patients.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 17 August 2017
One of the things that James learned last week is that he has “perfect detoxification pathways”, but not all people are so lucky. A huge topic of discussion on the upcoming Summit is MTHFR. Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme in the methyl cycle, and it is encoded by the MTHFR gene. This week we welcome Sterling Hill, the founder of Sterling is an educator and having found out of her personal status and what it means for her - she has been educating others about the impact of MTHFR for years.
Direct download: Genetic20Summit20Special_20MTHFR...20what20you20need20to20know.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:59pm CST |
Thu, 10 August 2017
In anticipation of our upcoming Interpreting Your Genetics Summit, our co-founder James Maskell has decided to let you listen in on his one hour genetic interpretation session for a very special podcast episode. Delivering the interpretation is Yael Joffe, RD, PhD who keynotes during the Summit itself, leading a day of discussions on nutrigenomics. If you have ever wondered what it would look like to be part of a team delivering “genomic medicine”, here is a look under the hood. Listen in now! This podcast is made possible by one of our Summit sponsors DNALife. There are few reasons why we chose this test, firstly because this test can only be ordered through a practitioner ensuring that the results will get a professional, responsible interpretation. Dr. Joffe was also centrally involved in creating this test, curating only those SNPs and other data points that have enough good research data to infer real meaning.
Direct download: Yael20Joffe20-20James20Genetics20Test.mp4
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 3 August 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we are thrilled to be starting a series of podcasts for the month of August all around our upcoming Interpreting Your Genetics summit. In the coming week, you'll get to have a look under the hood of our founder James Maskell's genetics and genomics as he goes through the process of genetic testing and interpretation by leading educators in the field. This week, we feature the keynote presentation from the summit by Dr. Jeffrey Bland. You can get this talk and many other gifts by registering for the summit. In his talk, Dr. Jeffrey Bland shares his view of the current state of genetics. Even If you're not interested in genetic testing, we hope that you will take a few minutes and listen to the godfather of functional medicine, as he shares his thoughts on genomics and why it will be the catalyst for functional medicine to become the operating system for a new era of predictive preventative medicine. On this podcast you will hear:
Please watch and share. We look forward to seeing you on the summit starting August 21st. |
Thu, 27 July 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast we welcome the Mark Krasser and Anna Gannon from Expectful. Expectful provides guided meditation for fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood. At the Evolution of Medicine, we often talk about the power of digital health and how it comes together with medicine to solve chronic disease. Mark and Anna join us to explain the science behind how meditation can support mom during pregnancy and labor. They also explain the deeper bond mom and baby feel, as well as, how it supports baby's health. On this podcast you will hear:
Direct download: Technologies20for20Expectant20Mothers20with20Mark20Krasser.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 20 July 2017
The week on the Evolution of Podcast, we welcome Dr. Elson Haas, leader in the field of integrative medicine. After four decades of practicing integrative medicine in the insurance model, he provides us with some great insights into how he is able keep is practice going. Dr. Haas' latest book Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine gives some insights on natural, Eastern, Western concepts into something that is truly useful for the modern practitioner and the modern patient. On this podcast you will hear:
Direct download: The_NEW_Medicine_-_Functional_Medicine_on_Insurance_with_Elson_Haas.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 13 July 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we welcome Dr. Jean Golden-Tevald. We continue our Success Leaves Clues series with Dr. Tevald where we feature a practitioner who has found the right tools and systems to run a successful practice. Dr. Tevald practices functional medicine at Morning Star Family Health Center in Clinton, New Jersey. We're excited to share how she has set up her membership based family practice. On this podcast you will hear:
For more information about Freedom Practice Coaching visit: For more information about the Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerator visit:
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20From20Family20to20Functional20with20Jean20Tevald.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 6 July 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we welcome back our very first podcast guest and technology maven, Andrew Brandeis, ND. We sat down and talked to Dr. Brandeis about the evolution of technology in medicine, not only his viewpoint from the center of technology innovation, but also dived into what can we expect in the future? Dr. Brandeis also shared why he has joined a technology startup called Orchestra One. Orchestra One's practice management platform runs your business online, in-office and everywhere in between - giving you more time to do what you do best, and also holds the potential to make billing insurance easier than ever. If you are interested in the intersection of technology and medicine, this should make great listening. On this podcast you will hear:
To try Orchestra One for free visit:
Direct download: Technology2C20Automation2C20and20Practice20Application20with20Andrew20Brandeis.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:33pm CST |
Thu, 29 June 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we welcome Gladys McGarey. At 97 years old, Galdys is a true pioneer in holistic and living medicine and we're absolutely thrilled to welcome her to the podcast. Dr. Gladys is internationally recognized as the Mother of Holistic Medicine. Dr. Gladys, as she is affectionately known, is board certified in Holistic and Integrated Medicine and has held a family practice for more than sixty years. She is the co-founder of the American Holistic Medical Association, as well as the co-founder of the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine. Dr. Gladys shares her experience from medical school in the 1940's during a war to now and how medicine has changed from treating the disease to treating the person. Dr. Galdys talks the talk and she definitely walks the walk. She's a prime example of what we're trying to accomplish with our Journey to 100 project. Journey To 100 is a world-exclusive conference that will explore options for a sustainable approach to healthcare and longevity and begin Guernsey’s quest to become the first country with a life expectancy of 100. ![]() On this podcast you will hear:
Direct download: The20Mother20of20Holistic20Medicine20with20Gladys20McGarey.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 22 June 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we welcome Wesley Chapman, founder of A Human Project. A Human Project focuses on the next generation of human beings and their lack of understanding in their inherent self-worth. Like so many members of our community, Wes Chapman has taken a personal experience and uses it to better humanity.
Wes starts by sharing his own story of abuse and his journey to starting A Human Project. As he started to understand his own gut-brain connection and effects of the medications that were supposed to be helping him, he decided to take his life into his own hands. Now he focuses on helping children through things like stress, bullying and suicidal thoughts. We hope that this podcast inspires you as much as it has inspired us. Please consider supporting this very worthy cause at A Human Project. On this podcast you will hear:
Direct download: A20Human20Project20with20Wes20Chapman.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:11am CST |
Thu, 15 June 2017
This week we bring another "Success Leaves Clues" episode of the Evolution of Medicine podcast. We feature Dr. Roy Hall, oncologist turned functional medicine practitioner with a successful micropractice in Billings, Montana. Dr. Hall shares what he was doing that wasn't working and how through his practice has evolved through working with Freedom Practice Coaching and the Evolution of Medicine programs. His journey includes learning new skills, getting comfortable speaking in front of people, and tracking his successes and how it has affected the delivery of care to his patients. On this podcast you will hear:
To learn more about the programs we've discussed on this podcast visit the following pages: Freedom Practice Coaching: Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerator: Evolution of Medicine New Patient GPS: To learn more about Dr. Roy Hall visit:
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20From20Oncology20to20Functional.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:58am CST |
Thu, 8 June 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine we welcome, Abby Miller, an acupuncturist turned functional medicine practitioner and host of the Functional Forum Meetup in Des Moines, IA. We're excited to connect with Abby because she has really taken our meetup concept and taken it to the next level. Abby shares her personal journey to functional medicine. Her journey included starting the functional forum meetup and connecting with the fellow practitioners in her area. To her surprise, most were on board and ready to engage. She started with humble beginnings in her office two years ago and from there with support from her community, it's grown into something spectacular. On this podcast you will hear:
For more information on attending or starting a meetup, click here.
Direct download: Next20Level20Meetups20-20CME20in20Des20Moines2C20IA.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 1 June 2017
Today on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we go back to the first Evolution of Medicine Summit with Dr. David Perlmutter, a renowned neurologist, brain health expert, and best selling author. He joined us to speak about the ever important, gut brain connection. We review this presentation in preparation for the upcoming Functional Forum - The Evolution of Neurology where will be bring you the best highlights from the Institute for Functional Medicine Annual International Conference. In this podcast you will hear:
Register to watch The Evolution of Neurology: http:// |
Thu, 25 May 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we're thrilled to welcome back Marc Winn. Marc is a resident of the nation-state of Guernsey and the co-founder of the Dandelion Project whose mission is to make Guernsey the best place to live by 2020. On this podcast we will be announcing our most expansive and exciting adventure to date, called Journey to 100. It will be held on June 30th and available for live streaming through the Functional Forum. You might remember Evolution of Medicine co-founder James Maskell presented his TEDx talk in 2015 from Guernsey called Community, Not Medicine, Creates Health. He's heading back to Guernsey to host the event, along with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, the BBC’s "Doctor in the House". Journey to 100 will host 20 leading global healthcare, lifestyle and longevity experts, who will share their perspectives and help us all understand how we can live healthier, happier lives, from zero to 100 years old and beyond. Expect over 20 international speakers from all over the world including some past Functional Forum presenters like Dr. Janet Settle, Dr. Michael Ash, Tom Blue and Dr. Sachin Patel. Beyond progressive medicine models, there will also be talks on fascinating topics indirectly related to healthcare like sustainable farming, universal basic income and community support structures. We believe this project has the potential to show the world how factors such as community, purpose in life, preventative healthcare and a proactive approach to well-being could make Guernsey the first country to have an average life expectancy of 100, and to kickstart a new era in health and longevity. For more information about the Guernsey 100 project, visit
Direct download: Can20you20create20a20Blue20Zone_20The206400020person20question..mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 18 May 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we are thrilled to welcome start of the BBC one prime-time series and International Functional Forum host, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee. Dr. Chatterjee is a Functional Medicine doctor who is passionate about lifestyle transformation. Over 4 million people watched season one of Doctor in the House as he reversed type two diabetes and a number of other chronic conditions. During this week's podcast, we caught up with Dr. Chatterjee about the second season of #doctorinthehouse . He shares some of the tough cases he encountered. Once case in particular, he manages to help a patient with chronic cluster headaches. We also talked about what else to expect on the show and what you'll learn.On this podcast you will hear:
Make sure to listen to the end, because we'll be announcing a special collaboration between the Functional Forum and the International Functional Forum for our summer episodes. Here's some feedback from some fans of Doctor in the House! ![]()
Direct download: Doctor20in20the20House20Season202.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:28pm CST |
Thu, 11 May 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we feature Steven Feyrer-Melk, PhD, co-founder of a preventative cardiology practice, The Optimal Heart Center and Chief Science Officer of Nudge Coach, a lifestyle medicine technology company. Nudge has sponsored the Functional Forum and the Evolution of Medicine podcast in the past year and has worked with us to bring our community of practitioners a valuable addition to their practices that allows every patient to feel supported at all times. Why is the time in between visits so important? How does this differ from Dean Ornish style cardiology clinic? How does technology work to play a role in facilitating, organizing, and streamlining processes to create behavior change? We tackle these questions and more during this powerful 30 minutes. Let us know what you think! On this podcast you will hear:
To learn more about Nudge Coach, visit
Direct download: Progressive20Cardiology20in20A20Digital20Micropractice.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:54am CST |
Thu, 4 May 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we're thrilled to welcome Danny Iny, the founder of Mirasee. Danny is a serial entrepreneur and has been involved in the online education space for more than a decade. We've been working very closely with Danny at the Evolution of Medicine to help us build out our online courses like the Practice Accelerator, the New Patient GPS, and the Membership Practice Builder. In this episode, we followed on from last week's Functional Forum and talked about the role of education in the future of medicine, and particularly the role of delivery of content. Danny introduces us to a great resource for practitioners who are interested in creating dynamic content. The book is available for download May 4th through May 8th at If you're listening to this podcast between May 4th and May 8th, go get it right now. We had a great half-an-hour discussion. Send us your thoughts and feedback! On this podcast you will hear:
Download a free copy of Danny's book from May 4th through May 8th at
Direct download: Next20Era20of20Patient20Education.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 27 April 2017
In preparation for next Monday's Functional Forum, The Evolution of Primary Care, we are thrilled to welcome IFM certified practitioner, Dr. Kara Parker to the Evolution of Medicine podcast this week. Dr. Parker has been practicing integrative and functional medicine for almost two decades, and practices in Minnesota at the Whittier Clinic. If you are interested in functional or integrative medicine, particularly how to work with the undeserved, this podcast is not one to miss. In this podcast, we talked about not only the practice of functional medicine in an insurance environment, but also some of the innovation that they've been doing in group visits. It's an incredible story of the power of peer to peer community support, and the power of content delivered in a community environment to deliver behavior change. In this podcast you will here:
Direct download: Evolution20of20Primary20Care20-20Group20Visits.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 20 April 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we take a look back at a very special presentation from Dr. Leo Galland from our 2014 Evolution of Medicine Summit. Our next Functional Forum is entitled the "Evolution of Primary Care", which will address the most significant way functional medicine can impact medicine as a whole... as an updated operating system for primary care. Dr. Leo Galland is one of the fore-fathers of the functional medicine operating system. Outside of this presentation on the first Evolution of Medicine summit we have also welcomed him to the Functional Forum stage twice. Some of his important contributions to medicine are concepts like "leaky gut", "dysbiosis" and "SIBO". But the most impactful change to the old system is the transition to patient-centered diagnoses. Medicine evolving from a doctor-centered structure to a patient-centered structure and this reflects Dr. Galland's unique contribution to the operating system. In this podcast, Dr. Galland addresses how this new model was developed and why it's such an important part of the evolution of medicine. On this podcast you will hear:
Direct download: Leo_Galland_Podcast.mp4
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 14 April 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we hear from Richard Morris, CEO of Powell Metabolics. Powell Metabolics is an innovative wellness coaching program delivered in a physical therapy environment that started in Arizona and has the potential to expand across the country. This is part of a greater trend of functional medicine integrating with other "hands on" modalities like physical therapy, personal training and chiropractic. We think you'll be inspired to hear about their process, the results and how your practice could benefit. All the way through the Functional Forum and the Evolution of Medicine we've sighted the future of "primary care" to be enhanced through technology, the Functional Medicine operating systems, and coaching for behavior change and this is such a great example. One of the powerful tools that Powell has taken advantage is Nudge Coach, a behavior change technology we love. By taking advantage of their white label solution, they have a branded experience for their patients to use to track behavior change between visits. On this podcast you will hear:
Direct download: Synergy20in20Action20-20FxMed2C20PT20and20Technology.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:40am CST |
Thu, 6 April 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine Podcast, we check in with New York City Functional Forum Meetup hosts, Tracey Vincel and Patricia Ladis, founders of KIMA Physiotherapy and Wellness. They join us to share their meetup journey. Tracey and Patricia started their Functional Forum Meetup after we took the Functional Forum on the road. Like any new venture, there were some initial hurdles. With a little tweaking and getting the opinions of their practitioner community, they have been able to set up a very successful meetup every month. Learn more about attending or hosting a meetup here: On this podcast you will hear:
Direct download: Meetup20Evolution20-20Lessons20from20NYC.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 30 March 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast we feature one of the world's leading authorities on science-based natural/integrative medicine, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, ND. Dr. Pizzorno is the founder of Bastyr University and he joins us to talk about environmental toxins. He's been on the cutting edge of this topic for several decades and we're excited to welcome to the podcast. As we prepare to present the Evolution of Environmental Medicine next week, Dr. Pizzorno shares with us that toxins either contribute to or cause virtual every chronic illness we see today. What can practitioners do when toxins have been proven to be trans-generational? Dr. Pizzorno explains how you can approach treatment for those exposed to toxins, indicators of toxin exposure, and what to measure when testing for exposure. He goes into greater details in his new book: The Toxin Solution: How Hidden Poisons in the Air, Water, Food, and Products We Use Are Destroying Our Health--AND WHAT WE CAN DO TO FIX IT. This book is a culmination of the decades of research that he's done around toxins and how to avoid those you can and what to do to mitigate the effects of the ones you can't. On this podcast you will hear:
Register to watch the Evolution of Environmental Medicine here:
Direct download: Evolution20of20Environmental20Medicine.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 23 March 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we take a look back at an interview with birthing and environmental health advocate, Latham Thomas along with film maker and author, Penelope Jagessar Chaffer. Both have been guests on the Functional Forum and we circle back to their talk: Toxic Babies: Threat to Our Evolution? from the first Evolution of Medicine Summit. We revisit this important topic to gear up for the next Functional Forum – Evolution of Environmental Medicine from the Environmental Health Symposium. We will be connecting with more practitioners to discuss the importance of understanding where the major sources of toxicity come from and the ways to help your community of patients and clients to avoid these harmful toxins. On this podcast you will hear:
Thu, 16 March 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we feature medical student and innovator, Robert Abbott. Like many of the our practitioner community, personal experience lead Robert to the world of functional medicine. Once you discover something so positive and life-changing, there is no turning back and it certainly rings true for Robert. Shocked that he wasn't learning more about lifestyle medicine in medical school, he chose to dive into learning integrative and functional medicine through podcasts, blogs,and other free resources along with his med school training. From his diligent self-teachings, Robert collect On this podcast you will hear:
You can download the guide that Robert has put together at:
Direct download: Functional20Medicine20for20Students20-20The20Best20Free20Resources.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 9 March 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast we welcome Dr. Michel Dupuis, a chiropractor from northern Ontario. Dr. Dupuis shares the story of his journey to building a successful Functional Medicine practice. We could not be happier to hear from a doctor whose story illustrates the power of implementing the solutions offered in not only our programs but also the resources that we've been recommending for the past few years. Dr. Dupuis started his functional medicine education with Functional Medicine University and The Kalish Institute. Later, he discovered the Functional Forum. From there he took advantage of a free practice assessment with Gabe Hoffman, co-founder of Evolution of Medicine which resulted in working with Freedom Practice Coaching to change his practice model. After adding an additional 80k to his yearly income in just the first month with FPC, Dr. Dupuis added the Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerator and from there he started using Nudge Coach to keep in touch with his new patients that now stretched 100 miles outside of his small town. He has recently become a Functional Forum Meetup Host and has become the "go to" doc in his community for practitioners looking to make the same changes in their personal and professional lives. In this podcast, you will hear:
The Evolution of Medicine: Practice Accelerator
Direct download: Success_Leaves_Clues__Clinician_Entrepreneurship.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 2 March 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we kick off our upcoming Functional Forum: Evolution of Cardiology with Dr. Steven Masley as we revisit his interview from the Evolution of Medicine Summit: Healthcare from Scratch. Cardiology used to be the study of the heart - but in the last couple decade it's been more about the study of cardiac procedures. Not all of these procedures have long term benefits and most just treat the symptoms and do not prevent future events. Dr. Masley looks at this from a preventative and lifestyle medicine perspective and works to educate both patients and practitioners on what they can do to avoid seeing a cardiologist altogether. On the podcast you will hear:
Click here to join us for the Evolution of Cardiology on March 6! |
Thu, 23 February 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we welcome Dr. William Davis – cardiologist turned author. You may have heard of his first book Wheat Belly; he’s now written a new book titled Undoctored. Undoctored focuses on empowering the individual and breaking free from modern profit-driven medical system. We’re excited to connect with Dr. Davis as he shares his journey from interventional cardiology to understanding the fundamentals of health. This podcast will be valuable for anyone interested in lifestyle medicine and chronic disease. On this podcast you will hear:
Join us for the Evolution of Cardiology on March 6, 2017:
Direct download: From20Interventional20Cardiology20to20Getting2022Undoctored22.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:55am CST |
Thu, 16 February 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast we continue our series featuring educational resources that support the emerging practice models that support integrative and functional medicine. We welcome Dr. Sheila Dean and Kathy Swift, founders of Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy (IFNA). Our goal at the Evolution of Medicine is to help create 100,000 micropractices based on root cause resolution and community health. One of the ways we can make this type of care efficient enough to be available to everyone is creating a provider team. Registered Dietitians play a critical role in a provider team and this is the training to teach the front lines of nutrition about Functional Medicine. IFNA defines Integrative and Functional Nutrition (IFN) therapy as a leading-edge, evidence-based, and comprehensive approach to patient care that focuses on identifying root causes and system imbalances to significantly improve patient health outcomes. This emerging medical nutrition model combines the very best of modern science, clinical wisdom and critical thinking and is being driven by increasing consumer demand, advancing technology and the changing healthcare landscape. On this podcast you will hear:
For more information visit:
Direct download: IFNA_-_Where_RDs_Go_to_Learn_Functional_Medicine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:46pm CST |
Thu, 9 February 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we feature Marjorie Nass, Chief Wellness Officer and Heather Campbell, Chief Executive Officer of Ready Set Recover. Ready Set Recover works with your patient's friends and family, doctors and hospitals, and employers at the time of surgery to make recovery as easy as possible. Ready Set Recover is an action-oriented online program that helps surgical patients take positive steps throughout the surgical and recovery process. Why is this program so special? If you have patients that are preparing for surgery, this is something that you can curate for your community without having to do all the work yourself. We strive to bring you resources that make your practice more efficient and effective and this program offers both. We're so excited to share this with you because this program uses email autoresponder technology. Autoresponders are messages set to go out automatically. They allow you to automate campaigns and manage one-to-one communication with your patients. This is the core technology that we focus on in the Practice Accelerator. Thousands of practitioners have shared with us that automating patient education and setting up systems that work while they are not "on the job" brings convenience and value to their patients - and bonus, it doubles as marketing. As early adopters of this new era of medicine, many practitioners are working with entrepreneurs that have identified problems and have created programs that offer scalable solutions. In this podcast you will hear:
For more information about Ready Set Recover visit:
For more information about the Practice Accelerator here:
Direct download: Ready2C20Set2C20Recover20-20AutoResponders20in20Action.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 2 February 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we feature Functional Forum fan favorite, Dr. Kelly Brogan. Back during our first Evolution of Medicine Summit in 2014, Dr. Brogan presented “Beyond Medication: Mental Health, Holistic Healing and Nutrition" In this podcast you will hear:
Fri, 20 January 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine, we continue our series featuring innovators in the Health Coach field. We welcome, Carey Peters with Health Coach Institute(formerly Holistic MBA). Carey and her business partner, Stacey, have been in the field of health coaching for over a decade. They have dedicated themselves to the education and success of health coaches all over the country. We’re excited to feature this podcast as a part of our educational podcast series on health coaching. James and Carey discuss the genesis of Holistic MBA and Health Coach Institute, the future of health coaching in collaboration with medicine, and much more during this inspiring thirty minutes. In this podcast you will hear:
For more information about Health Coach Institute:
Direct download: Future_of_Health_Coaching_-_Carey_Peters.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 2:08pm CST |
Thu, 12 January 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we continue a new series of podcasts called The Future of Health Coaching. In this series, we welcome leaders in the field who are taking the industry forward. Andrea Nakayama, founder of Holistic Nutrition Lab joins us for the second installment. Andrea connects with us about the future of health coaching. She delves into what's not working in Functional Medicine practices and what 2017 holds for the Functional Medicine community. She shares more details about her new coaching program and how it differs from other health coach education. In this podcast you will hear:
For more information on Holistic Nutrition Lab, visit
Direct download: Future_of_Health_Coaching_-_Andrea_Nakayama.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:30pm CST |
Thu, 5 January 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we feature Dr. Lise Alschuler. Back during our first Evoltuion of Medicine Summit in 2014, Dr. Alschuler presented "The Evolution of Oncology". As we prepare to refocus on this topic during the January 2017 Functional Forum, we take a look back at this special presentation from. She has incorporated the learnings of her own experience with cancer into her work with others facing the challenges of this disease. In this podcast you will hear: