Evolution of Medicine Podcast
On this episode, we talk about the changes in the 2022 coding, with guest, Sonda Kunzi. She runs Coding Advantage, and is a leading biller and understands the world of not just medical billing, but medical billing as it applies to the functional medicine community.
Direct download: 20220126_Podcast_v3.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:30am CST

Every year, Evolution of Medicine picks a theme, and this year’s theme is Growth. And who better to kick off our year of growth than Dr. Mark Hyman? In this episode, we talk about the growth of the movement and the surprising places where functional medicine is really starting to take off.

Direct download: 2022019_Podcast_1.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:00am CST