Evolution of Medicine Podcast

Group Visit Series Part 10: If an Ophthalmologist Can Run Group Visits…

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This week, we sit down with Shalesh Kaushal, MD, PhD for Part 10 of our Group Visit Series. This episode looks at group visits from a different perspective—a much narrower one than we have previously shared, and I really love that. If you’ve been following our series or are familiar with group visits, you know that they are effective in so many areas of medicine, but in general, they affect the reversal of chronic diseases. In this episode, we’re talking about group visits in a very specific application: retina disease.

Dr. Kaushal is a pioneer on this front, bringing the power of group visits and community to super specific disease cases. His work exemplifies the broad range of application group visits can have, and how their positive impact can reach across the spectrum of medicine, from the general to the specific. If an ophthalmologist can run group visits, so can you! Highlights of this episode include:

  • How Dr. Kaushal got his start in functional medicine
  • When he realized he needed to deliver care in a group format
  • What he has learned from his work as a medical specialist and group visit practitioner
  • How he has used Group Visit Toolkits in practice
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:




Direct download: 12-18-2019_Shalesh_Kaushal.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:30am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine Podcast! This week, we’re talking with Jeremie Kubicek, the well-known speaker and bestselling author who has appeared on our podcast twice before to discuss business aspects of functional medicine practice. In this episode, Jeremie discusses strategies for goal setting in 2020—something we’re all thinking about as 2019 winds down, and even more poignant as we prepare to embark on a new decade. What I appreciated most about the conversation with Jeremie is that he shares actionable steps to make your vision for 2020 a reality. It’s not about avoiding the obstacles that will come your way, but planning how you will overcome them. The process is self-reflective and, I think, a necessary exercise for anyone who wants to make positive change happen in 2020. Highlights from this episode include:

  • Learning from Mount Everest’s Sherpas to become a leader worth following
  • Jeremie’s strategy for identifying pain points, setting your vision for the future and overcoming resistance
  • How overcoming obstacles to your vision might be as simple as how you communicate
  • Thinking about group visits as a way to mitigate common sources of dissatisfaction for practitioners
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:




Direct download: 12-11-2019_Jeremy_Kubicek.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:50am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! On this episode, we talk with Dr. Alejandro Junger, a cardiologist by trade and a celebrated and well-known practitioner in the functional medicine space. He is the bestselling author of Clean and Clean 7, and the founder of Clean, a 21-day detoxification experience. Dr. Junger is an expert on detoxification, and one of the first practitioners to advocate for its benefits and widespread use—a detox OG, if you will. He shares his health journey and a powerful testimony to functional medicine. It was a really engaging conversation, and I think you’ll enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • How Dr. Junger combines detoxification and intermittent fasting in his new book, Clean 7, to help more people reap the benefits of healthy detoxification
  • Dr. Junger’s own health journey and path to functional medicine and detoxification
  • Why community is the best approach to successful detoxification
  • Why Dr. Junger believes in the power of groups
  • His tips and tricks for running successful group visits
  • The role of toxicity in chronic disease, and how it is more damaging than most people realize
  • How to stop the naysaying and alleviate the tension between the old way of thinking about detoxification and the new way
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Direct download: 11-27-2019_Alejandro_Junger.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:46am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, part of our Group Visit Series, we sit down with Dr. Elizabeth Markle to talk about her revolutionary practice, Open Source Wellness. It's an incredible story of their journey to organize and synthesize a consistent group visit model. In this episode, you're going to hear about their thoughts about why behavior change was difficult, how to democratize it and make it available for prescription. Dr. Markle also talked about the sequence of behavior changes that happen through patients’ 16-week visit at Open Source Wellness. You’ll also hear a lot about how to facilitate behavior change in a group. It was a really interesting conversation, and I think you'll really enjoy it, especially if you’ve been thinking about starting group visits. Highlights include:

  • The origin story of Open Source Wellness and Dr. Markle’s and her c-founder’s vision for the future
  • Why patients need democratization and experiences to build healthy lifestyle behaviors and overcome health issues
  • Human behaviors that predispose us to crave community, especially when creating healthy habits
  • Markle’s secret sauce for developing a thriving community in your practice
  • How group visits reward the patient with improved health and community, and practitioners with a deep sense of purpose in their healthcare practice
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:


Direct download: 11-20-19_Elizabeth_Markle.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:24am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This week, we sit down with Dr. Elroy Vojdani, a preeminent functional medicine physician, researcher, and educator. Dr. Vojdani and his father, Dr. Aristo Vojdani, widely recognized as the godfather of functional immunology, have partnered to research intestinal permeability and the gut-brain axis. These are two key areas in understanding and resolving autoimmune conditions, which affect millions of patients. Dr. Vojdani shared some of his clinical findings, the strategies and products he uses in clinical care, and why his new practice will feature a meeting space dedicated to group visits. It was a fascinating 30 minutes and if you’re interested in the future of autoimmune disease reversal (and based on that growing number of patients, we all should be), I think you’ll really enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • The autoimmunity research Dr. Vojdani and his father are tackling and their latest findings
  • The three subtypes of leaky gut and how to treat them
  • Why antibody testing is the gold standard for understanding leaky gut
  • The best tools for reversing leaky gut
  • The strategies and products Dr. Vojdani uses in clinical care to address autoimmune conditions
  • Vojdani’s thoughts of precision public health and the future of healthcare
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:






Direct download: 11-13-2019_Elroy_Vojdani.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:23am CDT

Direct download: 10-23-19_-_Shilpa_Saxena.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:22am CDT

Direct download: 10-16-19_-_Carrie_Jones_Part_3.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:25am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This week, we’re continuing our Group Visit Series with Donna Naumann, NP. She has been successfully running group visits in the St. Louis area for nearly three years, and has seen amazing moments of patient transformation that have convinced her of the power in community care. Her perspective adds so much to the group visit conversation because it is from the front lines of group visit implementation—she shares her experiences, plus practical tips on recruiting patients for group visits and running successful appointments that you can apply to your practice. No matter what topic you’re planning for your next group visit, or if you’re still on the fence about getting started with group visits, you will take away important, real-world information from this episode. Highlights include:

  • Her transition to group visits and the resources she used to make implementation a breeze
  • Examples of how the group dynamic motivates patients and builds connection in ways that one-on-one consultations cannot
  • How to successfully recruit patients for group visits and keep them engaged
  • How to structure group visits that are focused on stress and weight loss, two topics that many patients struggle with
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:



Direct download: 10-02-19_-_Donna_Naumann.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:29pm CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, we’re discussing the gut-brain-pain axis with Robert Silverman, DC. As you know, chronic pain is a problem of epidemic proportion, as is dependence on opioids, with deadly consequences. Healthcare needs a new solution to treating chronic pain, and integrative and functional medicine holds the key.

Dr. Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, functional medicine expert, clinical nutritionist, international speaker and author. At his private practice in White Plains, NY, Dr. Silverman specializes in the treatment of joint pain using functional nutrition combined with cutting-edge, science-based, nonsurgical approaches. Our conversation spanned the scientific, when he discussed how the gut and brain communicate, to the practical, when he shared his seven Rs for healing the gut, to the big picture, when he theorized the protocol he would prescribe to address the opioid epidemic. It was a fascinating 30 minutes, and I think you’ll really enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • A deeper understanding of the gut-brain-pain axis, and how it is critical for overall health and addressing chronic pain
  • The three pathways through which the gut and brain communicate
  • The link between the gut-brain axis and intestinal permeability
  • The seven Rs of healing the gut
  • Nutrient recommendations for addressing chronic pain
  • A vision for chronic pain treatment in the future
  • And so much more!
Direct download: 09-25-19_-_Robert_Silverman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:39am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This episode is the second installment in our series with Carrie Jones, ND, MPH and DUTCH Test. Dr. Carrie Jones is a force in the functional medicine community, a modern doc with a holistic approach who can appreciate the best of both medical practices. In her own words, she “helps hormonally challenged people feel less crazy” by using testing and her own extensive knowledge to help people understand their hormones so they can feel empowered to take control of their health.

In this episode, we take a deeper look at stress resilience and share concrete ways you can use the cortisol awakening response with your patients. We also discuss autoimmune patients, some of the most challenging cases to tackle, and how the CAR influences immunity. It was a fascinating 30 minutes, and I think you’ll really enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • What the cortisol awakening response can reveal about health, and how to dial in that information for patients
  • The impact of the cortisol awakening response on energy levels, resiliency, mood, blood sugar management and autoimmune recall
  • How the cortisol awakening response can be an early indicator of autoimmune disease and testing can help you recognize and address it earlier in your patients
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Direct download: 09-11-19_-_Carrie_Jones_Part_2.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:52am CDT

Direct download: 09-04-19_-_Lara_Salyer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:08pm CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This episode is our second with Jeremie Kubicek, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author of 5 Voices: How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone You Lead. The book holds the key to unlocking your capacity to have honest conversations and build deeper, more authentic relationships, and has been an invaluable resource to companies worldwide. In our first episode with Jeremie, he discussed his work in identifying the 5 Voices (the Pioneer, the Connector, the Creative, the Guardian, and the Nurturer) and how they help you discover what your leadership voice sounds like to others and how to hear and value others’ voices.

In this episode, we talk about how you can apply this incredible understanding of emotional intelligence and behavior patterns to your staff. Your staff is truly the front lines of your practice—the way they interact with your patients, their colleagues and even you have an impact on the overall culture of your practice and the patient experience. As the “gardener” of your practice, it is your responsibility to help every “plant” (your employees), no matter their temperament, thrive. By committing to this, you’ll not only see your practice culture and staff retention improve, but also patient satisfaction. It was a fascinating 30 minutes discussing this important but often overlooked topic in healthcare—enjoy! Highlights include:

  • How to use the 5 Voices methodology to support your staff and help them become a magnet for new patients
  • How to take ownership of your role as “gardener” of your practice greenhouse, and learn what your staff needs to feel supported and thrive in their roles
  • How understanding yourself and your natural tendencies can take your listening and relational abilities to a whole new level
  • How the different personality types execute and what they need to operate at their best
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Direct download: 08-26-19_-_Jeremie_Kubicek.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:12am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This episode is the first installment in our series with Carrie Jones, ND, MPH and DUTCH Test. Dr. Carrie Jones is a force in the functional medicine community, a modern doc with a holistic approach who can appreciate the best of both medical practices. In her own words, she “helps hormonally challenged people feel less crazy” by using testing and her own extensive knowledge to help people understand their hormones so they can feel empowered to take control of their health. It was an energizing, educational 25 minutes, and I think you’ll really enjoy it.

In this episode, we dive into a cutting-edge topic: the cortisol awakening response (CAR). We discuss how it became the default test for assessing stress and how you can capitalize on this information in your practice. Highlights include:

  • Understanding the cortisol awakening response, and how it became the default test for assessing stress
  • How testing the cortisol awakening response answers the question, “How resilient are you?” and changes the conversation from testing for disease risk to testing for health opportunity
  • How the cortisol awakening response influences alertness and blood sugar management
  • Resources for getting up to speed on the cortisol awakening response and implementing this testing in your practice
  • And so much more!


Resources mentioned in this episode:





Direct download: 08-21-19_-_Carrie_Jones_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, we talk with Christopher Mote, DO, DC, IFMCP, a practicing physician and owner of Cornerstone Health Community in Centennial, CO. Dr. Mote has not only mastered the art of group visits in his practice, but also lab reviews in those group health appointments. He finds great joy in teaching and learning more about his patients and their health struggles in this setting, and he shares some great insight into how you too can find both personal and professional fulfillment with group visits.  

In this motivational 30-minute episode, Dr. Mote discusses his innovative practice model that blends functional medicine and primary care, how he uses lab testing, and how he makes functional medicine affordable and accessible for his patients. If you’re thinking about implementing group visits in your practice, but don’t know where start, this is the episode for you. You’ll feel a new level of motivation and confidence to pursue this innovative model for patient care. Highlights include:

  • How to blend functional medicine and primary care in practice
  • Focusing on practice efficiency and avoiding burnout
  • Implementing the Group Visit Toolkit and other resources to run successful group visits
  • How to share lab results in a group format
  • How to effectively recruit patients for group visits
  • Insurance considerations for group visits
  • And so much more!
Direct download: 08-14-19_-_Christopher_Mote.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:14am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, we sit down with Cheng Ruan, MD, a practicing physician in Houston, TX and founder of the Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine. His passion for functional medicine stems from his childhood; he comes from a family of Chinese medical doctors. His background and education allow him to combine beneficial aspects of both Eastern and Western medicine approaches to achieve health and wellness for his patients. Dr. Ruan is also on the cutting edge of building communities with group visits and using data to track patient outcomes.

In this insightful 45-minute episode, Dr. Ruan discusses his journey to practicing functional medicine, his work with group visits and billing insurance, how he educates and connects with patients on social media, and how he uses outcomes data to further his practice and the practice of functional medicine on a global scale. Listening to this episode and the insight Dr. Ruan shares, you will feel a new level of confidence in the knowledge that functional medicine is the future. Highlights include:

  • How he learned the business behind healthcare and insurance, and used that knowledge to successfully navigate billing in his practice
  • How to build preeminence, in addition to sharing clinical knowledge, with your patients
  • How to start sharing and educating on social media, and Dr. Ruan’s “golden rules” for marketing on these platforms
  • What social media algorithms mean for functional medicine education, and how to continue sharing valuable, evidence-based information with your patients via these platforms
  • The biggest mistake he sees with practitioners just starting out with group visits, and how to avoid it
  • How he builds thriving communities with the Group Visit Toolkit
  • Why outcomes data is vitally important to practitioners in the functional medicine space
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:





Direct download: 07-24-19_-_Cheng_Ruan.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:43am CDT

Direct download: 07-10-19_-_Tom_Guilliams.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:42am CDT

Direct download: 06-26-19_Andrew_Heyman.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 4:03pm CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In Part 4 of our Group Visit Series, we talk with Shilpa P. Saxena, MD, functional medicine practitioner, educator, group visit pioneer and creator of the Group Visit Toolkit. In this episode, Dr. Saxena discusses her decision to practice the group visit model, the inspiration behind the innovative Group Visit Toolkit, and how she practices functional medicine efficiently and effectively. Her wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for her work are inspiring and made for a brilliant conversation that will empower you to start implementing group visits.

Direct download: 06-12-19_Shilpa_Saxena.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:03am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In Part 3 of our Group Visit Series, we sit down with Tawny Jones, chief administrator at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine.

Direct download: 05-29-19_Tawny_Jones.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:01am CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, we sit down with Jeremie Kubicek, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author of 5 Voices: How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone You Lead.

Direct download: 05-15-19_Jeremie_Kubicek.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 4:00pm CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This episode continues our series on group visits and the pioneers who are bringing this practice model to the masses. We sit down with Dr. Mikhail Kogan, integrative medicine leader at the George Washington Center in Washington, DC.

Direct download: 05-01-19_Mikhail_Kogan.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 1:00pm CDT

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This episode kicks off our series on group visits and the pioneers who are bringing this practice model to the masses. Today we are honored to welcome the doctor who has been called the godfather of group visits, Dr. Jeffrey Geller.

Direct download: 04-19-19_Dr_Jeff_Geller.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:11am CDT

Welcome back to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! We are excited to reboot the podcast with none other than the godfather of functional medicine, Dr. Jeffrey Bland.

Direct download: 04-05-19_Dr_Jeff_Bland.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:30pm CDT