Evolution of Medicine Podcast

One of the things that James learned last week is that he has “perfect detoxification pathways”, but not all people are so lucky. A huge topic of discussion on the upcoming Summit is MTHFR. Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme in the methyl cycle, and it is encoded by the MTHFR gene. This week we welcome Sterling Hill, the founder of MTHFRsupport.com. Sterling is an educator and having found out of her personal status and what it means for her - she has been educating others about the impact of MTHFR for years.

In anticipation of our upcoming Interpreting Your Genetics Summit, our co-founder James Maskell has decided to let you listen in on his one hour genetic interpretation session for a very special podcast episode. Delivering the interpretation is Yael Joffe, RD, PhD who keynotes during the Summit itself, leading a day of discussions on nutrigenomics.

If you have ever wondered what it would look like to be part of a team delivering “genomic medicine”, here is a look under the hood. Listen in now!

This podcast is made possible by one of our Summit sponsors DNALife. There are few reasons why we chose this test, firstly because this test can only be ordered through a practitioner ensuring that the results will get a professional, responsible interpretation. Dr. Joffe was also centrally involved in creating this test, curating only those SNPs and other data points that have enough good research data to infer real meaning.

Our hope is that this session will encourage you to attend the Summit, and take advantage of the huge opportunity for the Functional Medicine community to deliver the next era of precision medicine. If nothing else, you will see that genetic interpretation can be an empowering experience.

Direct download: Yael20Joffe20-20James20Genetics20Test.mp4
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST

This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we are thrilled to be starting a series of podcasts for the month of August all around our upcoming Interpreting Your Genetics summit. In the coming week, you'll get to have a look under the hood of our founder James Maskell's genetics and genomics as he goes through the process of genetic testing and interpretation by leading educators in the field.
This week, we feature the keynote presentation from the summit by Dr. Jeffrey Bland. You can get this talk and many other gifts by registering for the summit. In his talk, Dr. Jeffrey Bland shares his view of the current state of genetics. Even If you're not interested in genetic testing, we hope that you will take a few minutes and listen to the godfather of functional medicine, as he shares his thoughts on genomics and why it will be the catalyst for functional medicine to become the operating system for a new era of predictive preventative medicine.
On this podcast you will hear:
  • why the genomic revolution is analogous to the personal computing revolution
  • why genetics has to be a part of the new personalized medicine system
  • Dr. Bland's top takeaways from interpreting genetics 
  • why functional medicine will be the operating system for the genomic revolution
Direct download: Jeffrey_Bland.mp4
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST