Evolution of Medicine Podcast

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This week, we’re continuing our Group Visit Series with Donna Naumann, NP. She has been successfully running group visits in the St. Louis area for nearly three years, and has seen amazing moments of patient transformation that have convinced her of the power in community care. Her perspective adds so much to the group visit conversation because it is from the front lines of group visit implementation—she shares her experiences, plus practical tips on recruiting patients for group visits and running successful appointments that you can apply to your practice. No matter what topic you’re planning for your next group visit, or if you’re still on the fence about getting started with group visits, you will take away important, real-world information from this episode. Highlights include:

  • Her transition to group visits and the resources she used to make implementation a breeze
  • Examples of how the group dynamic motivates patients and builds connection in ways that one-on-one consultations cannot
  • How to successfully recruit patients for group visits and keep them engaged
  • How to structure group visits that are focused on stress and weight loss, two topics that many patients struggle with
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:



Direct download: 10-02-19_-_Donna_Naumann.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:29pm CST

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! In this episode, we’re discussing the gut-brain-pain axis with Robert Silverman, DC. As you know, chronic pain is a problem of epidemic proportion, as is dependence on opioids, with deadly consequences. Healthcare needs a new solution to treating chronic pain, and integrative and functional medicine holds the key.

Dr. Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, functional medicine expert, clinical nutritionist, international speaker and author. At his private practice in White Plains, NY, Dr. Silverman specializes in the treatment of joint pain using functional nutrition combined with cutting-edge, science-based, nonsurgical approaches. Our conversation spanned the scientific, when he discussed how the gut and brain communicate, to the practical, when he shared his seven Rs for healing the gut, to the big picture, when he theorized the protocol he would prescribe to address the opioid epidemic. It was a fascinating 30 minutes, and I think you’ll really enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • A deeper understanding of the gut-brain-pain axis, and how it is critical for overall health and addressing chronic pain
  • The three pathways through which the gut and brain communicate
  • The link between the gut-brain axis and intestinal permeability
  • The seven Rs of healing the gut
  • Nutrient recommendations for addressing chronic pain
  • A vision for chronic pain treatment in the future
  • And so much more!
Direct download: 09-25-19_-_Robert_Silverman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:39am CST

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! This episode is the second installment in our series with Carrie Jones, ND, MPH and DUTCH Test. Dr. Carrie Jones is a force in the functional medicine community, a modern doc with a holistic approach who can appreciate the best of both medical practices. In her own words, she “helps hormonally challenged people feel less crazy” by using testing and her own extensive knowledge to help people understand their hormones so they can feel empowered to take control of their health.

In this episode, we take a deeper look at stress resilience and share concrete ways you can use the cortisol awakening response with your patients. We also discuss autoimmune patients, some of the most challenging cases to tackle, and how the CAR influences immunity. It was a fascinating 30 minutes, and I think you’ll really enjoy it. Highlights include:

  • What the cortisol awakening response can reveal about health, and how to dial in that information for patients
  • The impact of the cortisol awakening response on energy levels, resiliency, mood, blood sugar management and autoimmune recall
  • How the cortisol awakening response can be an early indicator of autoimmune disease and testing can help you recognize and address it earlier in your patients
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Direct download: 09-11-19_-_Carrie_Jones_Part_2.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:52am CST

Direct download: 09-04-19_-_Lara_Salyer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:08pm CST