Thu, 25 February 2016
It is always a great feeling when serendipity makes its way into the programming of the Evolution of Medicine. This "Leaders of the kNEW School" series had been planned for a while with the topics of female leadership, community and empowerment planned into the narrative.
Last Friday, we had the opportunity to connect with three female doctors who have been taking our structure for creating community to the next level with the vastly accelerated growth of their Orange County, CA Functional Forum meetup. Dr. Sunny Raleigh, Dr. Kelly McCann and Dr. Carrie Ganek have grown their meetup to over 100 participants and now have serious sponsors, expanding interest and we thought it would make the perfect story for this podcast series of community and leadership in action.
More than anything we hope this podcast inspires YOU to start a community of health providers in your area, wherever in the world you find yourself.
In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: Leaders20of20The20kNEW20School20-20Community20and20Leadership20in20Action20with20Sunny20Raleigh2C20Kelly20McCann2C20and20Carrie20Ganek.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |