Evolution of Medicine Podcast
Our guest on this episode, Dr. Michael Ash, is a researcher who discusses lipid replacement therapy. The applications for this treatment include all fatigue related illnesses, including but not limited to environmental toxin exposure, Lyme disease and long COVID. Oxidative damage, which this therapy addresses, occurs in aging and all chronic and acute illness.

When the immune system is activated (e.g., after an infection), mitochondria can be damaged. The defective mitochondria become swollen and leak electrons, which results in the oxidation of membranes. Oral lipid replacement therapy is used to remove and replace damaged membranes. Listen to this episode to learn:

  • Mechanisms of action of inflammasomes
  • What causes danger signals in cells
  • Supplement dosing and sources of this nutrient through diet
  • Symptoms and consequences of poor membrane health
  • And much, much more!
Direct download: 20220525_Podcast_AUDIO_2.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:00am CST