Thu, 31 December 2015
If you have been following the Functional Forum for a while you know that we recommend Freedom Practice Coaching for practitioners looking for a high touch coaching relationship. You would have heard Matt Lowman on the podcast a few times and twice on the Functional Forum.
It is Matt's partner, Dr. Charlie Webb, who actually built the model practice that FPC trains practitioners in. We had a chance to visit his practice last year and have also been featured in the same conferences as Dr. Webb this year and found his message inspiring.
If you are on the fence about whether or not to 'go big' and make 2016 the year you transform your practice, you will find Dr Webb's message inspiring and empowering.
In this podcast you will learn
- The mindset and assets required to build a strong practice in 2016
- 'Presidential Marketing' - what it is and how to do it effectively
- FPC's new offering for 2016 and how it is different from what has come before
Direct download: Doctor20to20Entrepreneur20with20Charlie20Webb.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Thu, 24 December 2015
What you might not know about the Evolution of Medicine and the Functional Forum is the origin story. How did we learn about the needs of doctors to create this vibrant community?
From 2007-2010, CEO, James Maskell had the opportunity to meet thousands of doctors and health practitioners during his role as a sales rep for a supplement company. This experience proved invaluable for creating the Functional Forum.
Fast forward to 2015, where we launched the Evolution of Medicine company, and one of the first things we created was the Evolution of Medicine concierge program, a 30 minute free session for doctors and practitioners interested in building their own integrative micropractice. (you can still book a session now)
Our co-founder, Gabe Hoffman, has been running the concierge program for the whole year, speaking to over a thousand practitioners. In this podcast he wraps up what he has learned from this experience. This should be required listening for any practitioner looking to build a successful practice.
What you will learn from this podcast:
Direct download: What20I20Learned20from20Speaking20to20100020Doctors20with20Gabe20Hoffman.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Sat, 19 December 2015
This is the first episode of our new weekly newscast. Each week we wrap up the news making the rounds that are relevant to the modern integrative practitioner. This week we look at:
- American Medical Association and pharmaceutical ads
- The level of lead in the water in Flint, Michigan
- Most cancer isn't down to luck
- Lettuce is worse for the environment than bacon
- Martin Shkreli gets arrested for fraud
Please send your favorite news stories to
Thanks to Healthwave for sponsoring. Open a free account today at
Wed, 16 December 2015
Dr. Pamela Wible is one of the leading voices for the shift from production based medicine to relationship based medicine. We were first introduced to Dr Wible at the Heal Thy Practice Conference in Long Beach, CA, where she was interviewing doctors about their experience in production based medicine. The story of how she decided what her Eugene, OR practice would look like is an incredible addition to our Micropractice Evolution series and shows off the massive value of a patient centric medical model. In the last few years, she has gained much recognition (and a spot in this years TEDMED roster) for speaking about a taboo subject in medical circles... Physician Suicide. In this podcast Dr Wible shares some incredibly sad statistics on just how many people this affects and some of the never-spoken-of causes. This has lead to multiple TED talks and media opportunities, and we support Dr Wible 100% in her quest to bring light to these shadows! In this podcast you will learn
Click the link below to visit her website!
Direct download: The_Micropractice_Evolution_-_Ideal_Medical_Practices_with_Pamela_Wible.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:00am CST |
Wed, 16 December 2015
This week's podcast one of the most important messages we have ever put out through this medium. Our vision for creating a vastly more effective health system is to empower 100,000 integrative micropractices focused on root cause resolution and community health. That might seem awfully far away at first glance, but many forces are converging to accelerate this reality, and one of them is corporate wellness. Want new patients? Lower overhead? Cash over insurance? All this is possible when you contract directly with businesses. America is unique in it's system of having businesses pay majority of the the health care insurance of their employees. The reasons date back to the great depression when there were wage freezes and businesses competed for talent via these types of perks. Once it was written into the tax code in the 1950s, it took off. Now, it has the potential to be the driving force behind your work, and your practice, being more valuable than ever. Check out this 2 minute clip from our February Forum where I asked Tom Blue, Chief Strategy Officer of the AAPP, about the opportunity for functional and holistic providers to take advantage of working directly with businesses. Businesses need to cut costs. Businesses know how to cut costs. They likely know the costs of each one of their employees. More and more of them are self insuring and looking for innovative ways to reduce the long term costs of chronic disease management. You are the answer to their problem, you just need to connect the dots. This week's webinar will help that process. We have brought in Pedram Shojai, founder of to help us navigate the tricky terrain of corporate wellness. Pedram is not only a Oriental Medical Doctor by profession, but is also contracted with over 2200 companies looking for the services you provide, and is ready to empower you to engage the companies in your area. This week's podcast gives a great overview of the potential, and we have created a special event on Monday with a lot more information. Save the date! Please join us this Monday, April 20th at 8pm EST, for a special webinar on how to attract and retain corporate business in your clinic. In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: Functional_Corporate_Wellness_with_Pedram_Shojai.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 6:00am CST |
Wed, 16 December 2015
Here at the Evolution of Medicine our goal is to help to create structures that are capable of dealing with the modern epidemics of lifestyle driven chronic disease. Central to this shift is a movement from a patriarchal "Doctor Centric" model to more of an empowerment "Patient Centric" model. How can we create structures and systems that accelerate this movement? That is the purpose of this podcast series. If you have been following our work for a while, you know that our co-founder, Gabriel Hoffman, is passionate about this topic, and has spoken on it at the Functional Forum, Evolution of Medicine Summit and more. Gabe has been a health coach for 10 years and in this series we marry the power of coaching to inspire behavior change with the power of technologies to scale and systemize these empowerment structures. Each week our two co-founders, Gabe Hoffman and James Maskell, will lead a discussion on this crucial topic with CEOs of some of the most technologies tools that we have seen to accelerate the Evolution of Medicine. For our first podcast, we feature Healthwave CEO Kyle Braatz. In this podcast you will learn
To find out more about Healthwave, please follow this link!
Direct download: The_Future_of_Compliance_-_Part_1_with_Kyle_Braatz.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Wed, 16 December 2015
At the very first Functional Forum in February 2014, the first thing that Founder and Host James Maskell gave the rallying cry ‘we need to start acting like we are winning, and stop acting like we are losing’. This simple concept gave the Forum the momentum and energy it needed to become the world’s largest integrative medicine conference.
One of our favorite talks at the AIHM Annual Conference in San Diego this year was cut from the same cloth. John Weeks, with a career spanning over two decades supporting this emerging field, gave an incredible talk called “Connective Tissue: How Integrative Medicine Won” giving a 50 year history of the integrative medicine movement and sharing the people, strategies and timelines that moved integrative medicine to mainstream acceptance.
This is must listen material for every integrative medicine professional, not only cataloging the past but also energizing the future of the movement, in a way that is 100% congruent with the mission and goals of the Evolution of Medicine.
What you will learn in this podcast
Direct download: IHPC20Part20120-20How20Integrative20Medicine20Won20with20John20Weeks.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 4:00am CST |
Wed, 16 December 2015
If you have been following the Functional Forum and Evolution of Medicine, you have seen more and more of Dr. Rangan Chatterjee. He was interviewed in both our August and September Functional Forums, and was the keynote speaker for our Evolution of Medicine Summit launch in September. We have referred to him as a game changer in medicine, but without the ability to exactly share why or how he is going to change the game. Well, we are excited to finally break the news! Dr Chatterjee will make his prime time TV debut on BBC1 (in the UK) tonight, Thursday, November 19th, as the star of a new show "Doctor in the House". Over the next three episodes, Dr Chatterjee will show 5m+ viewers the full power of lifestyle and functional medicine, reversing complex, chronic cases in just four weeks. Hear the back story of how he got picked for the show, what it was like to do and the impact that this will have on medicine in a critical time for the NHS and all health systems trying to find sustainable solutions for chronic disease. What you will learn in this podcast:
Direct download: BBC_PrimeTime_-_Doctor_in_the_House_with_Rangan_Chatterjee.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:00am CST |
Wed, 16 December 2015
Here at the Evolution of Medicine our goal is to help to create structures that are capable of dealing with the modern epidemics of lifestyle driven chronic disease. Central to this shift is a movement from a patriarchal "Doctor Centric" model to more of an empowerment "Patient Centric" model. How can we create structures and systems that accelerate this movement? That is the purpose of this podcast series. In our first episode in the series we spoke to Healthwave CEO Kyle Braatz and in the second episode we spoke to Freedom Practice Coaching CEO Matt Lowman, two companies whose technologies can drive and systematize effortless patient empowerment. In this episode we bring in Holistic Nutrition Lab Founder and CEO Andrea Nakayama, a technology that trains practitioners in the art and science of Functional Nutrition. Her ideas on empowerment really resonated with everything Gabe and I have seen in the field and so we are excited to add her to this series. In this podcast you will learn
To find out more about Holistic Nutrition Lab, and to claim their free e-book on Functional Nutrition please follow this link!
Direct download: The_Future_of_Patient_Compliance_-_Part_3_with_Andrea_Nakayama.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 2:00am CST |
Wed, 16 December 2015
Episode #22Max Lugavere is on a very personal mission to change the way millennials think about Alzheimer's prevention. His upcoming film, "Bread Head" looks at the new science on how diet can affect your chance of developing this terrible disease. So far, he has interviewed an amazing array of innovators in this field, and you can help him co-create the rest! Max just launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the rest of this important movie. Unless we make a radical change and can prevent this disease, it looks set to bankrupt every industrialized nation, mainly because it takes 2-3 care givers for every patient. Please visit his Kickstarter page and help this vision become a reality! This was one of our best podcasts so far. What you will learn from this podcast
Direct download: Bread_Head_-_An_Alzheimers_Story_with_Max_Lugavere.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 1:00am CST |
Wed, 16 December 2015
This might be the most powerful podcast we have ever recorded. We hear from Functional Medicine Dr. Ben Edwards from Lubbock, Texas along with his employer, Doug Allen. Not only does Dr. Edwards have a powerful story about his journey to Functional Medicine, but his current employer Doug Allen's incredible story of how he has added value to his employees by engaging them with various forms of integrative medicine, from chiropractic to nutrition to a full blown Functional Medicine clinic in his factory. In this podcast you will learn
Click the link below to visit his website!
Direct download: The_Micropractice_Evolution_-_Part_2_with_Ben_Edwards__Doug_Allen.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:00am CST |
Thu, 10 December 2015
Last week on the podcast we shared the epic history that took integrative medicine from quackery to the future of chronic disease management. One of the major recent victories, among many achieved by the Integrative Health Policy Consortium (IHPC), was the non-discrimination clause (Section 2706) in the Affordable Care Act that should have opened integrative medicine to the masses through their insurance. We say ‘should have’ as the insurance companies have generally been out of compliance with that directive. The IHPC has come up with a plan (and a website) to fight this, called, with the goal of forcing insurance companies to be compliant with the ACA. What you will learn in this podcast:
Direct download: IHPC20Part20220-20Activating20Through20CoverMyCare.Org20with20Alyssa20Wostrel20and20Susan20Haeger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Wed, 25 November 2015
Throughout the year our two co-Founders, James Maskell and Gabe Hoffman, take the opportunity to share with our community, the “State of the Evolution” address on our Evolution of Medicine Podcast, that gives a run down of the last few months and some of the plans for the months ahead.
Even by our standards, this last 6 months has been incredibly busy, including, but not limited to
In this episode we discuss all of these events, and more, and share our appreciation for our team, our community and give some hints as to our intentions and goals for the year ahead.
Listen in to hear all of the above and more, including some funny stories and key emerging characters in the Evolution of Medicine
What you will learn from this podcast:
Direct download: State20of20the20Evolution20-20Thanksgiving20Special.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |
Fri, 13 November 2015
One of the basics premises in Functional Medicine is systems biology. This helps providers and patients to look at the body for what it is: a complex, interconnected system. But complex medicine doesn't have to be complicated, and we are excited to feature speakers who make it easy for doctors to understand this transition from reductionism to complexity. Dr. Bill Sutherland is a fascinating Canadian doctor whose book "Grand Rounds: Healing Wisdom for a Complex World" caught our attention at the Evolution of Medicine. In this podcast he shares with us his incredible journey from jazz to medicine, through family, martial arts, world travel and depression. What you will learn in this podcast:
Direct download: Complexity_in_Medicine_with_Dr_William_Sutherland.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:52pm CST |
Fri, 6 November 2015
Over 70% of medical decisions start with a blood draw, and that makes it arguably the most important factor for the future of precision medicine. But how efficient is lab testing? Especially the use of specialty labs? Throughout this series, we are looking at health technologies that have the potential to massively increase the efficiency of functional, integrative, and precision medicine. In this episode we interview Dr. Shaiv Kapadia, a practicing cardiologist and Chief Medical Officer of IGGBO, which has been described as the 'Uber for Phlebotomists'. With one in three blood draws never completed, this technology is helping solve a huge bottleneck in healthcare. What you will learn in this podcast:
Direct download: The_Future_of_Patient_Compliance_with_Shaiv_Kapatia_of_IGGBO.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 2:45pm CST |
Fri, 30 October 2015
Every practitioner doing integrative, functional, holistic or naturopathic medicine (what we like to call "Root Cause Resolution") make some sort of dietary recommendations for their client as diet is a major cause of chronic disease and a modifiable part of health. Unlike taking supplements of drugs, food habits go beyond "remembering to take things" but include organization, time management, shopping habits and more. Some providers are using health coaches, but there are emerging technologies that can scale the potential impact of providers at even lower cost. Enter BodySite and their CEO John Cummings, a technology to empower patients with diet and lifestyle changes between office visits. What you will learn in this podcast
Direct download: The_Future_of_Patient_Compliance_with_John_Cummings_of_Bodysite.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:57pm CST |
Wed, 28 October 2015
Thu, 22 October 2015
Throughout this series we have been looking at a new paradigm of patient compliance, one focused on empowering patients towards their best heath. Technologies are arriving that not only create scale, but also reduce overhead. One of the biggest truths right now is that the demand for Functional Medicine is out stripping the supply and there are many patients that are not within 25 miles of an effective provider. Telemedicine is a technology that is changing g the game for Functional practices making it easier for them to serve patients, business and groups. In this podcast we hear from Andy O'Hara, CEO of Chiron telemedicine, and look at the role telemedicine can play in scaling functional medicine. What you will learn
Direct download: The_Future_of_Patient_Compliance_with_Andrew_OHare_of_Chiron.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:00am CST |
Wed, 14 October 2015
Earlier in the year we created a series of four podcast document on the key transitions that we see are needed in the paradigm shift medicine is undergoing to get on top of chronic disease. One of these key transitions is the shift from compliance, a patriarchal concept where the patient plays a passive role in their health, to empowerment, where the patient is an active participant. Catalyzing this shift are technologies that help to automate and scale the way in which we engage and empower patients. In this first part of the second half of this series we speak to Dr. Priya Kamani and MD turned technologist who is equally passionate about this paradigm shift and has designed a technology to visualize and automate key parts of the functional medicine intake process. In this podcast you will learn
To find out more please book a demo
Direct download: The_Future_of_Patient_Compliance_with_Priya_Kamani.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:31pm CST |
Wed, 16 September 2015
To warm up for next week's Evolution of Medicine Summit, this week on the podcast we connect with Alliance for Natural Health's Executive Director Gretchen DuBeau. Those people in the USA that choose to live a healthy lifestyle, working actively to prevent and / or reverse chronic disease can sometimes take for granted the freedom to do so. We only have to look at Europe to see that this is not a given, and fortunately we have organizations like ANH working on our behalf to preserve our freedom of health choice. In order to bring about the changes we would like to see in medicine, freedom of choice is a bedrock, but we need to continue to work together on retaining those freedoms. In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: The_Politics_of_the_Evolution_of_Medicine_with_Gretch_DuBeau.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:24pm CST |
Wed, 12 August 2015
As we look forward to the 2015 Evolution of Medicine Summit, we are excited to bring you some of the best presentations from 2014 to whet your appetite. Dr. Lawrence Palevsky is a board certified pediatrician in NY and has been on the forefront of educating both parents and practitioners about holistic pediatrics. Given that we are in the midst of the most rapid rise in chronic pediatric illness in human history, this couldn't be more timely. Please enjoy the wisdom of one of our favorite educators as he takes you though the state of play in pediatrics and how we can evolve our understanding of the causes of chronic pediatric illness to prevent and recover children. In this episode you will learn
Direct download: Evolution_of_Medicine_Summit_with_Larry_Palevsky_Reboot.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:22pm CST |
Wed, 5 August 2015
One of our major goals at the Evolution of Medicine and the Functional Forum is to help you build a strong community of engaged, healthy patients around your integrative practice. Back in 2013 I wrote an article for NDNR sharing a cutting edge marketing strategy used by Dr. Jeffrey Gladd to get 60 new patients in one night. Since then, a number of practices have recreated the success of Dr. Gladd, using the power of movies to move prospective patients into their practice. It is only becoming easier and easier to pull off these events, due to technologies like Tugg that make it easy to schedule and market a movie screening. Later this fall, we hope to inspire 500 practitioners and meetup groups to do a film screening during the same week and create a remarkable moment in this movement. Do you want to be one of those? The movie we are recommending is "Escape Fire", as it is the film Dr. Gladd used and has been the most consistent movie for converting new patients. In this week's podcast we interview Jillian Burne, one of our most consistent attendees of our NYC Forum, about her experience doing a movie screening this Summer. Although she used a different film, the lessons she learned are invaluable to anyone looking to replicate this system. Watch this space for the specific week we will be announcing the festival! |
Wed, 29 July 2015
One of the biggest reasons why micropractices can be the future of primary care is that the need for physical office space is rapidly reducing due to the rise of telemedicine. With more and more insurance companies and doctors seeing the value of this approach, how do you know what are the best technologies to help you develop your telemedicine practice? Once again, we defer to micropractice innovator and technologist Chris Kresser. Not only is he a sought after educator on the clinical side of Functional Medicine, but Chris is also an early adopter to telemedicine and technology. In this podcast he talks about his clinics evolution from Skype to more robust platforms and discusses the practicalities of practicing telemedicine. In this podcast you will learn
We are adding Chiron to the list of technologies we think empower a successful functional medicine practice. For more information click the link below to visit his website!
Direct download: The_Micropractice_Evolution_-_Telemedicine_with_Chris_Kresser.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:22pm CST |
Tue, 14 July 2015
Once we started talking about integrative micropractices on the Functional Forum, we started to hear from all sorts of doctors who had built their own practices, innovating on the model. Dr. Evan Hirsch is one doctor, who build his practice in Washington State mainly on insurance, which is pretty tough to do. Dr. Hirsch has since added some cash services but his practices may hold some key parts of a successful practice model for those doctors not looking to go all cash. In this podcast you will learn
Click the link below to visit his website! music provided by
Direct download: The_Micropractice_Evolution_-_Part_3_with_Evan_Hirsch.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:03pm CST |
Tue, 30 June 2015
In May 2014, one of our favorite physicians Dr. Jeffrey Gladd came onto the Functional Forum to share his thoughts on what we were then calling "Integrative Medicine 2.0". Dr. Gladd has built a successful practice in rural Indiana. How could doctors use technology to deliver better integrative medicine? One weekend before that talk, Dr. Gladd had a 'moment of clarity' and his talk on the Functional Forum started with Integrative Medicine 2.0, but ended with his vision for H.O.M.E. (Heirloom Organic Micropractices focused on Empowerment) You can see the video of his talk below. During the talk, Dr. Gladd asked what medicine would look like if there was an integrative micropractice for every farmers market in America? That question sat very deeply with us at the Forum and lead to our vision for changing healthcare. 100,000 integrative medical practices focused on root cause resolution and community health. Since we shared that vision, many other doctors have got in touch to share their innovative micropractice model, leading to this podcast series. In this first episode we hear from Dr. Gladd from his talk from the 2014 Evolution of Medicine Summit, that was recorded that same weekend. In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: The_Micropractice_Evolution_-_Part_1_with_Jeff_Gladd.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:34pm CST |
Wed, 24 June 2015
Dr. Kim D'Eramo is one of the most passionate doctors we have come across at the Evolution of Medicine. She is on a mission to change medicine by giving all doctors access to tools to combat the modern epidemics of chronic disease. One of the major driving forces of all chronic diseases is chronic stress, and in her book, the MindBody Tool Kit she teaches patients and physicians ten of the most effective techniques for engaging the power of mind body medicine. Enjoy the podcast, and pleas let us know your thoughts and feedback! Click the link below to visit her website!
Direct download: Mind-Body_ToolKit_with_Kim_DEramo.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 8:40pm CST |
Wed, 17 June 2015
In this podcast we hear the remarkable story of Thumper Thornton, a patient turned practitioner whose life is a perfect example of the ripple effects of Functional Medicine and recovery. Most practitioners of integrative or Functional medicine have a unique story to tell that sent them down this path, sometimes it is personal, sometime it is a family member, but Thumper's story transcends those in a really fascinating way. Do you resonate with the message? What you will learn
Click the link below to visit his website!
Direct download: Painful_Story_Turned_180_Degrees_with_Thumper_Thornton.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:02am CST |
Wed, 10 June 2015
After our last trip to Texas in October, we recorded a recap of everything that had happened in September, including the Evolution of Medicine Summit, and various other big events. May 2015 was another massive month, with another trip to Texas and a lot more exciting things to share! What you will learn from this podcast include
Direct download: Post_IFM_Recap_-_Inflection_Point.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:05am CST |
Wed, 3 June 2015
Dr. Richard Palmquist is on the top holistic veterinarians in the country, not only building a significant t practice in Los Angeles, CA but also leading areas of research and academia. We recorded this podcast back in April in LA, and he gave me a book called 'Zoobiquity' by Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz. This book is incredible, showing the massive value of collaboration between doctors and vets. In this podcast we look at this exact topic, looking at the value that can be added to doctors, vet and most importantly their patients by learning from each other. This is exactly the reason why we have initiated the Functional Forum meetups (link to to create the space and community where practitioners can learn from each other. What you will learn from the podcast
To find out more about his book, please follow this link!
Direct download: Zoobiquity_-_What_can_we_learn_from_vets_with_Richard_Palmquist.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:11am CST |
Wed, 27 May 2015
Here at the Evolution of Medicine our goal is to help to create structures that are capable of dealing with the modern epidemics of lifestyle driven chronic disease. Central to this shift is a movement from a patriarchal “Doctor Centric” model to more of an empowerment “Patient Centric” model. How can we create structures and systems that accelerate this movement? That is the purpose of this podcast series. In our first episode in the series we spoke to Healthwave CEO Kyle Braatz and in the second episode we spoke to Freedom Practice Coaching CEO Matt Lowman, two companies whose technologies can drive and systematize effortless patient empowerment. In the third episode Andrea Nakayama, Founder of Holistic Nutrition Lab gave us her insights to the heart of an effective coaching framework. We could not finish this series without hearing from Mette Dyhrberg of Mymee, as we are massive fans of her technology and patient empowerment is core focus of it. In this podcast you will learn
To find out more about Mymee, please follow this link!
Direct download: The_Future_of_Patient_Complianece_-_Part_4_with_Mette_Dhyrberg.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:00am CST |
Wed, 13 May 2015
Here at the Evolution of Medicine our goal is to help to create structures that are capable of dealing with the modern epidemics of lifestyle driven chronic disease. Central to this shift is a movement from a patriarchal "Doctor Centric" model to more of an empowerment "Patient Centric" model. How can we create structures and systems that accelerate this movement? That is the purpose of this podcast series. In our first episode in the series, we spoke to Healthwave CEO Kyle Braatz who shared some amazing statistics about "adherence" and how their technology can support that work. In this second episode we talk to Freedom Practice Coaching CEO Matt Lowman, a company designed to help any doctor or health professional build a successful functional medicine practice. Some of the systems they teach in their coaching program have a massive impact on "compliance" and empowerment, and it made so much sense to feature Matt as part of this series. In this podcast you will learn
To find out more about Freedom Practice Coaching, please follow this link!
Direct download: The_Future_of_Compliance_-_Part_2_with_Matt_Lowman.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:31pm CST |
Wed, 29 April 2015
This week's podcast we bring in a nutrition rebel, Dr. Garrett Smith, to talk about some of his work in clinical nutrition. Dr. Smith is a Naturopathic physician practicing in Arizona with an interesting guiding principle. "There is only one guiding principle in the philosophy of my practice. Many know it as the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” While this can be expanded in many ways, in my judgment everything eventually returns to this one concept. If I were the patient, I would want to be fully informed of all of my options, be educated as to why certain treatment approaches are preferable in my situation, understand fully what is being asked of me, and if necessary directed towards places and people where I can obtain necessary items and services for my recovery. My ultimate goal is to help patients get better and stay that way, regardless of treatment modality. That is what I would want, that is what I do my best to provide for my patients.” In this podcast you will learn
Wed, 1 April 2015
We first came across Mette and her app Mymee in 2012 at Heal Thy Practice Conference in Long Beach, and we have been following it ever since. Mette is a regular at the Functional Forum in NYC and we are excited to bring you all her active tracking app to you. The concept is "Data Driven Coaching" and we couldn't be more excited about it. Mymee is unique in that it is the only active tracking app that is designed for use between a patient and practitioner. Imagine instead of recommending your patients a food diary and then waiting 30 days to see if they filled it out, you could see what your patients were eating, whether they were being compliant with their supplements in real time? That is the promise of Mymee and we think it is going to be a game changer. If you want to try out the technology, please visit her website. This is part two of "tracking week", make sure to check out "Passive Tracking from the Front Lines: Oil Riggers." In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: Active_Tracking_for_Behavior_Change_with_Mette_Dhyrberg.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:15am CST |
Wed, 1 April 2015
Welcome to a podcast that is so powerful, it might cause your head to explode with excitement! We welcome onto the podcast Tyler Lafleur and Blake Bourque, two Louisianians on the cutting edge of the interaction between digital health and functional medicine. Blake is the CEO of Trinity Health, and Tyler is a nurse, Functional Medicine practitioner and President of Belle Diagnostics, and whats more they are offering an opportunity to work with your practice! Blake and Tyler have a remarkable story to tell, one that shows that even the most unhealthy lifestyles can be empowered to change with the latest in digital technology. Blake and Tyler work with oil riggers, those well paid, strong men than run oil rigs. The are know for being very unhealthy, smoking and eating junk food. They are also so valuable to their employers that they are amongst the first people in the world to have 24 hour remote tracking of their vital signs. The good news is, as this technology gets cheaper and more widely available (think AppleWatch) that this could be a huge driver of behavior change. This is part of our our two part series on tracking, please also see our podcast on Active Tracking with Mette Dhyrberg. On this extremely enlightening and encouraging podcast we learned
Direct download: Passive_Tracking_Front_Lines_-_Oil_Rigs_with_Blake_Bourque_and_Tyler_LaFleur.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:00am CST |
Wed, 25 March 2015
Dr. Christina Bjorndal is a Naturopathic Doctor from Canada, and her passion and expertise covers two of the areas we are most excited about at the Evolution of Medicine... the microbiome and building a successful micropractice. Her website is, and you can see more about her work as a clinician and advocate for Naturopathic medicine. Dr. Bjorndal shared her experience from building a successful practice in Canada, which offers some unique challenges compared to the American market. Lots of value for any provider looking to create a sustainable practice model. Enjoy! In this podcast you will learn
SubscribeDownloadClick here to download this podcast music provided by
Direct download: Sustainable_Micropractices_-_Canadian_Edition.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:00am CST |
Wed, 25 March 2015
Dr. Laura Brayton has been one of the most consistent supporters of the Functional Forum since even before its inception. Back in 2012, when we started doing practitioner meetups in NYC, Dr. Brayton has always showed up and added value to her colleagues. As a Chiropractor and Nutritionist, she has built a hugely successful practice in Hoboken, NJ serving the entire family, focused on mothers and children. Her passion for serving this community has recently taken her work to a whole new level with an upcoming book and podcast called "Well Adjusted Mama" which we are already a huge fan of. In this episode we talk "Structure Leads To Function" one of the tenets of Functional Medicine and also of the Chiropractic profession. Dr. Brayton matches a wealth of clinical knowledge to a history of building a very successful local practice, with tons of value for anyone taking time to listen! In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: Structure_Leads_to_Function_with_Laura_Brayton.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:00am CST |
Wed, 11 March 2015
Functional Forum appearance on the Lyme Disease Panel. Dr. Dashore was originally trained in pediatric neurology in India, before coming to the USA. She has trained in Lyme with some of the leaders in the field of chronic Lyme, like Dr. Charles Ray Jones, Dr. Richie Shoemaker, and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. You can see her appearance on the Lyme Disease panel here: Dr. Dashore, having spoken at some of the biggest Lyme conferences, has now turned some of her attention to an equally formidable foe, mold. This is a huge problem all over the world, but particularly in the Northeast of the United States, where we have the combination of lots of precipitation and old wooden houses. In this podcast, we go deep into how this issues, and look at solutions for it, both medical and clerical. In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: Mold_and_BioToxin_Illness_with_Jodie_Dashore.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:41am CST |
Wed, 4 March 2015
Colon Hydrotherapy: Valuable to your Clinic? This week we are excited to hear from two doctors who have been on the cutting edge of integrative medicine for a combined 80+ years. This is "Colon Hydrotherapy Week" and we look at both the science (both recent and ancient!) behind colon hydrotherapy, but also the practical value of adding this modality into your practice. First off, Dr. Stephen Holt, who literally wrote the book. Initially trained as an Internal Medicine doctor and Gastoentorologist, Dr. Holt was also doing research on the gut microbiome decades before the Human Microbiome Project came out. He wrote the "Definitive Guide to Colon Hydrotherapy" in 2013 and is a passionate advocate for its ongoing use in optimal patient care. What you will learn
We also feature experienced Naturopath and Chiropractor Dr. Russell Kolbo, who has been practicing Colon Hydrotherapy for 44+ years in his clinic in Washington State. We had a very broad discussion on the value of this modality in a modern practice. We discuss the emerging understanding of the microbiome and how the naturopathic community was way ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding its role in regulation of health. We also talked about some of the practical aspects of running Colon Hydrotherapy in your practice. You can find out more about Dr. Kolbo's practice and work at his website. This podcasts series was supported by the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists.
Direct download: Healthy_Gut_with_Dr._Stephen_Holt.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:28pm CST |
Wed, 4 March 2015
Colon Hydrotherapy: Valuable to your Clinic? This week we are excited to hear from two doctors who have been on the cutting edge of integrative medicine for a combined 80+ years. This is "Colon Hydrotherapy Week" and we look at both the science (both recent and ancient!) behind colon hydrotherapy, but also the practical value of adding this modality into your practice. First off, Dr Stephen Holt, who literally wrote the book. Initially trained as an Internal Medicine doctor and Gastoentorologist, Dr Holt was also doing research on the gut microbiome decades before the Human Microbiome Project came out. He wrote the "Definitive Guide to Colon Hydrotherapy" in 2013 and is a passionate advocate for its ongoing use in optimal patient care. What you will learn
We also feature experienced Naturopath and Chiropractor Dr. Russell Kolbo, who has been practicing Colon Hydrotherapy for 44+ years in his clinic in Washington State. We had a very broad discussion on the value of this modality in a modern practice. We discuss the emerging understanding of the microbiome and how the naturopathic community was way ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding its role in regulation of health. We also talked about some of the practical aspects of running Colon Hydrotherapy in your practice. You can find out more about Dr. Kolbo's practice and work at his website. This podcasts series was supported by the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists.
Direct download: Colon_Hydrotherapy_Demystified_with_Russell_Kolbo.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 12:26pm CST |
Wed, 18 February 2015
We are really excited to welcome back our most popular podcast and Functional Forum guest Matt Lowman from Freedom Practice Coaching, along with co-founder Gabe Hoffman. We answer a question that comes up all the time for doctors doing integrative medicine... who is the competition? The answers we gave we probably not what you are expecting. The potential for collaboration to build community health is huge, but we have to get over some long held beliefs to take advantage of it. Like my friend JJ Virgin says 'The Rising Tide Floats All Boats." In this podcast you will hear some of the practical advantages of working with other likeminded physicians (like reduce the costs of acquiring new patients) and learn about the benefits to starting a Functional Forum local meetup. Three things you will learn from this podcast
Direct download: Competition_vs_Collaboration_Medicine_with_Matt_Lowman_and_Gabe_Hoffman.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:00am CST |
Wed, 11 February 2015
This month at the Functional Forum we are focused on germs of all varieties, particularly the new science that is shifting our perspective on how we relate to our those 'critters' that live on, in and around us all the time. One fascinating example of symptoms that occur when this balance is off is "auto-brewery syndrome". This syndrome refers to cases where the patient seems intoxicated (and can even fail a breathalyzer) without drinking any alcohol, as the alcohol is being made internally. Although extreme cases are not that common, there is growing evidence that the underlying issues affect many more people in a range of ways. This week on the podcast, we are joined by Dr. Anup Kanodia, from Ohio. Not only is he one of the leading experts in this condition, but also through the lens of functional medicine he has developed successful protocols for reversing and treating this complex issue. In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: Auto-Brewery_Syndrome_with_Anup_Kanodia.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:28am CST |
Wed, 4 February 2015
Healing Backs Without SurgeryOnce upon a time Dr. David Hanscom was a back surgeon in the Pacific Northwest, cranking our surgeries like all of his colleagues. But in what is becoming more and more of a common story, a change in his own health made him think twice about his profession. That lead him to write his speciality-changing book "Back in Control: A Spine Surgeon's Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain". ![]() David Hanscom, MD • In this podcast you can hear the amazing story, plus the 5 Step process that Dr. Hanscom has created to help anyone get our of chronic pain. It is a truly holistic approach, accessing the mind/body and emotional components of this debilitating condition. Three things you will learn from this podcast
Direct download: 5_Steps_to_Avoid_Back_Surgery_with_David_Hanscom.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 7:00am CST |
Wed, 28 January 2015
Episode #24New Model Week: Naturopathic MedicineWhilst at Naturopathic Medical School, Dr. Sara DeFrancesco realized there weren't many options for NDs emerging from school. Either become an employee on salary (making little impact on her student loan debt) or take a position working for another doctor and lose a large percentage of her earnings disappear. Was there another way? So, Dr. DeFrancesco created a new path and a new practice, called Thriving Force Natural Medicine. She has learned from a diverse groups of organizations, not only other providers with more business savvy, but also some of our work at the Evolution of Medicine. We are excited to feature young doctors looking to break the mold and attract the top graduates into integrative medicine. On this podcast you will learn
Direct download: New_Models_of_Naturopathic_Medicine_with_Sara_DeFrancesco.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:00am CST |
Wed, 28 January 2015
Episode #23New Model Week: Functional MedicineBack in September, Dr. Robin Berzin was a keynote speaker at our EvoMed Summit kickoff event at ABC Home. In that event she dared to mention the elephant in the room for Functional Medicine. As a new doctor with student loans, she can't afford to see herself. In that talk, that you can see here, she shared the solution to this problem was to "harness the digital technologies that are in our pockets that expand our reach and offer functional medicine services to the public at affordable prices". Fast tracks a few months later, Dr. Berzin has her own new practice, Parsley Health, where she will be putting this into practice and setting a new model for functional medicine to be delivered at scale. In this podcast you will learn
Direct download: New_Models_in_Functional_Medicine_with_Robin_Berzin.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:00am CST |
Tue, 20 January 2015
Direct download: EoM_Podcast_with_Fiona_and_Sarah.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:47pm CST |
Tue, 13 January 2015
Dr. Donna Embree has been practicing a Naturopathic Doctor since the mid 1990s, before that she was a childhood educator. Over the last 20 years, Dr. Embree has taught doctors and other practitioners in holistic, bioenergetic and integrative medicine. One area of her teaching that is unique surround best practices in the patient / practitioner relationship. As our medical model evolves to treat chronic and autoimmune diseases, getting patient 'compliance' and engagement is key. There are many strategies that are being used, but none are as effective as creating a "Thinking Environment", which comes from Nancy Kline's book "Time to Think". These strategies can also be used very effectively for creating great communication in your staff team. What you will learn from this podcast:
Direct download: Creating_a_Thinking_Environment_with_Donna_Embree.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 3:24pm CST |