Evolution of Medicine Podcast

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine Podcast! This week, we’re talking with Jeremie Kubicek, the well-known speaker and bestselling author who has appeared on our podcast twice before to discuss business aspects of functional medicine practice. In this episode, Jeremie discusses strategies for goal setting in 2020—something we’re all thinking about as 2019 winds down, and even more poignant as we prepare to embark on a new decade. What I appreciated most about the conversation with Jeremie is that he shares actionable steps to make your vision for 2020 a reality. It’s not about avoiding the obstacles that will come your way, but planning how you will overcome them. The process is self-reflective and, I think, a necessary exercise for anyone who wants to make positive change happen in 2020. Highlights from this episode include:

  • Learning from Mount Everest’s Sherpas to become a leader worth following
  • Jeremie’s strategy for identifying pain points, setting your vision for the future and overcoming resistance
  • How overcoming obstacles to your vision might be as simple as how you communicate
  • Thinking about group visits as a way to mitigate common sources of dissatisfaction for practitioners
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:




Direct download: 12-11-2019_Jeremy_Kubicek.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 9:50am CST