Thu, 22 June 2017
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we welcome Wesley Chapman, founder of A Human Project. A Human Project focuses on the next generation of human beings and their lack of understanding in their inherent self-worth. Like so many members of our community, Wes Chapman has taken a personal experience and uses it to better humanity.
Wes starts by sharing his own story of abuse and his journey to starting A Human Project. As he started to understand his own gut-brain connection and effects of the medications that were supposed to be helping him, he decided to take his life into his own hands. Now he focuses on helping children through things like stress, bullying and suicidal thoughts. We hope that this podcast inspires you as much as it has inspired us. Please consider supporting this very worthy cause at A Human Project. On this podcast you will hear:
Direct download: A20Human20Project20with20Wes20Chapman.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 10:11am CST |