Evolution of Medicine Podcast
This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we take a look back at a very special presentation from Dr. Leo Galland from our 2014 Evolution of Medicine Summit. Our next Functional Forum is entitled the "Evolution of Primary Care", which will address the most significant way functional medicine can impact medicine as a whole... as an updated operating system for primary care.
Dr. Leo Galland is one of the fore-fathers of the functional medicine operating system. Outside of this presentation on the first Evolution of Medicine summit we have also welcomed him to the Functional Forum stage twice. Some of his important contributions to medicine are concepts like "leaky gut", "dysbiosis" and "SIBO".
But the most impactful change to the old system is the transition to patient-centered diagnoses. Medicine evolving from a doctor-centered structure to a patient-centered structure and this reflects Dr. Galland's unique contribution to the operating system.  In this podcast, Dr. Galland addresses how this new model was developed and why it's such an important part of the evolution of medicine.
On this podcast you will hear:
  • Why everyone deserves a “patient-centered diagnosis” and how it began
  • The 3 factors driving and mediating chronic disease
  • Questions you should be asking to deliver the best care

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Direct download: Leo_Galland_Podcast.mp4
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST