Evolution of Medicine Podcast
How will the XPill supercharge your practice?

This week on the Evolution of Medicine podcast, we welcome back Evolution of Medicine co-founder Gabe Hoffman and executive coach and keynote speaker, Robert Richman.

Robert is not a doctor, and what he does is not strictly medicine, but he has created something called the Xpill.  It's not a supplement or a prescription, but it seems to have incredible powers to create transformational change.  It encompasses looking at placebo response, coaching, group structures, intention setting for patients - you'll find out why this is so interesting to the future of medicine in one of the most fascinating half hours of this podcast we've ever had!  

In this podcast you will learn:

  • What role the move The Matrix played in the creation of the Xpill
  • What practitioners can learn from the power of the Xpill
  • How groups structure and accountability can amplify the healing response