Evolution of Medicine Podcast
The State of the Evolution: Thanksgiving Episode

Throughout the year our two co-Founders, James Maskell and Gabe Hoffman, take the opportunity to share with our community, the “State of the Evolution” address on our Evolution of Medicine Podcast, that gives a run down of the last few months and some of the plans for the months ahead.


Even by our standards, this last 6 months has been incredibly busy, including, but not limited to


  • Three Functional Forums in collaboration with the Institute for Functional Medicine
  • The second “Evolution of Medicine Summit” including the 7 Hour Practice Hack-A-Thon
  • The launch of the first affordable alternative to health insurance, Liberty Direct
  • The Evolution of Medicine Film Festival
  • The launch of the first airborne probiotic cleaning system, Airbiotics


In this episode we discuss all of these events, and more, and share our appreciation for our team, our community and give some hints as to our intentions and goals for the year ahead.


Listen in to hear all of the above and more, including some funny stories and key emerging characters in the Evolution of Medicine


What you will learn from this podcast:


  • The impact of the IFM collaboration on our business and outlook
  • The hilarious back story of the hack-a-thon translocation
  • Our recommendation for the best holiday gift of 2015


Direct download: State20of20the20Evolution20-20Thanksgiving20Special.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST