Evolution of Medicine Podcast
The Micropractice Evolution: Telemedicine

One of the biggest reasons why micropractices can be the future of primary care is that the need for physical office space is rapidly reducing due to the rise of telemedicine. With more and more insurance companies and doctors seeing the value of this approach, how do you know what are the best technologies to help you develop your telemedicine practice?

Once again, we defer to micropractice innovator and technologist Chris Kresser. Not only is he a sought after educator on the clinical side of Functional Medicine, but Chris is also an early adopter to telemedicine and technology. In this podcast he talks about his clinics evolution from Skype to more robust platforms and discusses the practicalities of practicing telemedicine.

In this podcast you will learn

  • Why telelmedicine is such a great fit for Functional Medicine
  • Chris' evolution from Skype to Zoom to Chiron
  • What to look for in a telemedicine provider

We are adding Chiron to the list of technologies we think empower a successful functional medicine practice. For more information click the link below to visit his website!

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