Thu, 7 December 2017
This week’s podcast continues our “Success Leaves Clues” series on “From Motherhood to Micropractice” and features Dr. Michelle Sands aka “The Metabolic Mama”, a Naturopath and functional medicine practitioner from Vermont and member of our Practice Accelerator program. Dr. Sand’s story is an inspirational one for women and men who struggle with balancing running a practice and being an active parent. She achieved this seemingly insurmountable goal, by implementing what she learned in the Practice Accelerator to set up a virtual dream practice targeting mothers. If you’ve ever wondered how to have it all—practice, purpose and active parenthood—tune in right now and hear:
Resources mentioned in this podcast: Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerater
Direct download: Success20Leaves20Clues20-20From20Motherhood20to20Micropractice.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |