Evolution of Medicine Podcast
State of the Evolution

Twice a year, Evolution of Medicine founders Gabe Hoffman and James Maskell record a podcast called "State of the Evolution" charting the progress of the last six months and looking forward to the next. Since our last address Thanksgiving 2015, so much has happened, and we hope you enjoy the wrap up.

Some of the highlights of this episode include

  • The Functional Forum leaving New York and hitting the road, in American and now internationally
  • The incredible growth of the Functional Forum meetup groups and associated ecosystem
  • The IFM's landmark Practice Implementation survey and how it informed our strategy for achieving our company mission
  • Our 60 Day Practice Accelerator: the genesis, the first pilot program and our hope for it 
  • Highlights of the next six months including a huge launch in Washington DC on October 10th

We hope you enjoy this episode and share it with another practitioner. Thanks so much for all your ongoing support and our mission is built on your success.


Direct download: State20of20the20Evolution20with20Gabe20Hoffman.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST