Thu, 14 July 2016
This week we welcome back Dr. Pamela Wible. Last year she joined us on our podcast to speak to her practice evolution from a "production line" to a "relationship medicine" practice in our Micropractice Evolution series of podcasts. You can listen to it by clicking this link. This week, Dr. Wible joins us to talk about the epidemic of physician suicide. She's filmed a powerful TedMed talk on the epidemic of physician suicide where she read the words of physicians on the edge of taking their own lives. As we lose more brilliant minds and healers to suicide, Dr. Wible has started a project to bring this epidemic to light. Her film called "Do No Harm" will do exactly that and she tells us more about the film and how we can support the movement.
In this podcast you will learn:
Direct download: Physician20Suicide20-20Do20No20Harm20with20Pamela20Wible.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 5:00am CST |