Evolution of Medicine Podcast
Future of Health Coaching: Carey Peters
This week on the Evolution of Medicine, we continue our series featuring innovators in the Health Coach field. We welcome, Carey Peters with Health Coach Institute(formerly Holistic MBA). Carey and her business partner, Stacey,  have been in the field of health coaching for over a decade. They have dedicated themselves to the education and success of health coaches all over the country. 
We’re excited to feature this podcast  as a part of our educational podcast series on health coaching. James and Carey discuss the genesis of Holistic MBA and Health Coach Institute, the future of health coaching in collaboration with medicine, and much more during this inspiring thirty minutes.
In this podcast you will hear:
  • how has health coaching changed in the last decade and what has been the impact
  • what has it been like for those students who have chosen to make a career change to become a health coach
  • what should practitioners be looking for in a health coach and how does theHCI uniquely prepare their graduates 
For more information about Health Coach Institute: goevomed.com/HCI
Direct download: Future_of_Health_Coaching_-_Carey_Peters.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 2:08pm CST