Evolution of Medicine Podcast
#7 Best Of 2015- Functional Corporate Wellness: $bn Opportunity

This week's podcast one of the most important messages we have ever put out through this medium. Our vision for creating a vastly more effective health system is to empower 100,000 integrative micropractices focused on root cause resolution and community health. That might seem awfully far away at first glance, but many forces are converging to accelerate this reality, and one of them is corporate wellness.

Want new patients? Lower overhead? Cash over insurance? All this is possible when you contract directly with businesses.

America is unique in it's system of having businesses pay majority of the the health care insurance of their employees. The reasons date back to the great depression when there were wage freezes and businesses competed for talent via these types of perks. Once it was written into the tax code in the 1950s, it took off. Now, it has the potential to be the driving force behind your work, and your practice, being more valuable than ever.

Check out this 2 minute clip from our February Forum where I asked Tom Blue, Chief Strategy Officer of the AAPP, about the opportunity for functional and holistic providers to take advantage of working directly with businesses.

Businesses need to cut costs. Businesses know how to cut costs. They likely know the costs of each one of their employees. More and more of them are self insuring and looking for innovative ways to reduce the long term costs of chronic disease management. You are the answer to their problem, you just need to connect the dots. This week's webinar will help that process.

We have brought in Pedram Shojai, founder of Well.org to help us navigate the tricky terrain of corporate wellness. Pedram is not only a Oriental Medical Doctor by profession, but is also contracted with over 2200 companies looking for the services you provide, and is ready to empower you to engage the companies in your area. This week's podcast gives a great overview of the potential, and we have created a special event on Monday with a lot more information. Save the date!

Please join us this Monday, April 20th at 8pm EST, for a special webinar on how to attract and retain corporate business in your clinic.


In this podcast you will learn

  • How Pedram got involved with corporate wellness
  • Why now is such a hot time for business and wellness providers
  • Some practical first steps for courting corporate business
Direct download: Functional_Corporate_Wellness_with_Pedram_Shojai.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 6:00am CST