Evolution of Medicine Podcast
Evolution of Medicine News Podcast #19

This week on the news we come back to our monthly segment with John Weeks called "Charting the Convergence" where we look at news stories relevant to our community, looking at the convergence of integrative medicine with medicine itself. 

This week you will learn about:

  • The Bravewell Collaborative's Philanthropic Impact of Evolution of Medicine
  • Emerging research on the importance of diet for chronic pain
  • Oregon leading the way in returning to the therapeutic order for chronic pain

    Please send us your best news stories to news@goevomed.com and feel free to share this with colleagues. Thanks to our sponsor, MBODY360. Make sure to check out goevomed.com/MBODY360
Direct download: June_4_News.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am CST