Evolution of Medicine Podcast

Bioavailability vs. Microbiome Availability

Welcome to the Evolution of Medicine podcast! On this episode, James sits down with Dr. Tom Guilliams, who had our most-downloaded podcast of the year in 2019. Dr. Guilliams talks about a topic most clinicians have strong opinions on: bioavailability. With a background in molecular immunology and extensive research on nutrition and dietary supplement efficacy, Dr. Guilliams brings a unique and refreshing perspective to functional medicine clinicians of any discipline who are trying to get the best results with their patients. Highlights include:

  • Bioavailability and the new science on what that looks like in the era of the microbiome
  • How traditional herbal preparations can maximize microbiome availability
  • How attempting to replicate the pharmaceutical model for dietary supplements has brought us to opposite conclusions simultaneously, and how this will be a refreshing conversation for the new decade
  • How researchers are devising new ways of thinking about how evidence works in the evaluation of non-drug therapies
  • The questions practitioners who want to maximize dietary supplement effectiveness should be asking
  • And so much more!

Resources mentioned in this episode:




Tickets for PLMI Conference in Chicago

Direct download: 01-08-2020_Dr._Guilliams.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:50am CST