Evolution of Medicine Podcast
ACAM - Intelligent Immunity

Episode #6

The America College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) has been on the cutting edge of medical education for almost 40 years. Their 2012 conference we attended was excellent, with a focus on the new microbiome research, which in the last two years has become the most exciting areas of medicine. This is where you get ahead of the curve.


The 2014 Conference looks like a watershed moment in medical education, with a conference aptly named 'Intelligent Immunity: Opportunity for Regulation in the New Era'. The new science on mucosal immunity signals a turning point in our understanding of the immune system and where the leverage is in maintaining health. When you add in the multiple revelations of fraud at the CDC and vaccine manufacturers, the timing is crucial for a conference such as this. On this week's podcast we speak to ACAM conference coordinator Dr. Dana Cohen, who is also a regular guest at the Functional Forum in New York. In this podcast we discuss:

  • Why ACAM decided to focus on this topic
  • Why vaccination policy must be featured at medical events
  • The most exciting presentations of the event

For more information about ACAM and their upcoming Conference, held in Las Vegas, November 14-16th please click here.

music provided by intomusic.co

Direct download: ACAM_-_Intelligent_Immunity_with_Dana_Cohen.mp3
Category:health, alternative health -- posted at: 11:00am CST